The Limited Times

Afghanistan: Taliban in the Presidential Palace in Kabul

8/16/2021, 2:20:25 PM

Just 24 hours after President Ghani's escape, the new rulers are sitting at his desk. The Taliban captured Kabul in a flash - causing panic among the population.

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The Taliban at the center of power: Al Jazeera shows pictures of the radical Islamic militia at the government table of former President Ashraf Ghani.

By moving into the presidential palace, the fighters are demonstrating their strength.

Two decades after being overthrown, the Taliban are back in control in Afghanistan.

In their first statements, the fighters promise a peaceful takeover.

Mullah Bararda Akhund, Taliban spokesman

“We congratulate the whole Afghan nation on their great victory - especially the people of Kabul and our mujahiddin. We got this far, very surprisingly, we never expected that. But with the help of Allah we were able to achieve this victory, there has never been anything like it in history and we thank Allah. "

But the invasion of the militia caused panic among many Afghans.

Thousands of civilians tried to get to the airport.

US forces - flown in in a hurry to secure the airport and thus the retreat of Western diplomats, staff and civilians - fired into the air to keep the crowd from storming the tarmac.

This resulted in dramatic scenes: locals desperately cling to an airplane staircase.

These pictures show people running next to a US machine.

Eyewitnesses at Kabul airport said that at least five people were killed in the chaos, but these reports have not yet been confirmed.

The Taliban meanwhile announced an amnesty for those who have worked for the government or foreign forces.

But there are already numerous reports of retaliatory killings and other brutal actions by the Taliban from other conquered areas.

Meanwhile, former President Ashraf Ghani has fled abroad.

He reported on Facebook from exile in Tajikistan.

He writes that he fled to prevent further bloodshed.

It is unclear how the Taliban will behave once the US military has completely withdrawn and they also control Kabul airport.

Past experiences justify a gloomy forecast.

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