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Afghanistan: the Taliban entered the capital Kabul, according to its inhabitants


The armed Islamic group of the Taliban has been carrying out a lightning offensive in Afghanistan since May. After taking control of much of the

It is the last major city still under government control.

But the situation could change quickly.

According to residents, the Taliban entered Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan on Sunday.

For his part, a spokesperson said that the fighters were ordered to stay at the gates of the city.

The capital of more than three million inhabitants is the last large city still in the hands of the government.

The Taliban have been waging a lightning offensive since May and the withdrawal of NATO and US troops.

This advance was made without encountering great resistance from the population.

It has accelerated over the past ten days, with the Sunday morning catch of Jalalabad in particular.

The failure of the government

The rout is total for the Afghan security forces, yet funded for 20 years with hundreds of billions of dollars by the United States, and for the government of President Ashraf Ghani.

Saturday, the head of state had said to make the "remobilization (of) security and defense forces" the "number one priority".

But his message, obviously, has hardly been heard.

However, he added on Saturday that "consultations" were underway to find a "political solution" guaranteeing peace and stability.

In the evening, the presidential palace specified that a delegation would be "soon formed by the government and ready to negotiate".

Read alsoAfghanistan: four maps to understand the lightning advance of the Taliban

Faced with this situation, the United States and the United Kingdom announced this week the sending of thousands of soldiers to Kabul to evacuate diplomats or nationals.

Other NATO members, like France, have also announced the evacuation of staff from their embassies.

France also announced Thursday that it had suspended, from the beginning of July, the expulsions of Afghan migrants who had refused their asylum application to their country of origin, due to "the deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan".

Joe Biden said he did not regret his decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan: “One or five years more of American military presence would have made no difference, when the Afghan army cannot or does not want to defend. his own country, ”he noted in a statement.

An arrival that was feared in the capital

Many Afghans, especially in the capital, and women in particular, accustomed to the freedom they have enjoyed over the past 20 years, feared a return to power by the Taliban.

When they ruled the country, between 1996 and 2001, they imposed their ultra-rigorous version of Islamic law.

Women were banned from going out without a male chaperone and from working, and girls from going to school.

Women accused of crimes such as adultery were whipped and stoned.

Almost all forms of entertainment were banned.

Music was prohibited, cinemas closed, televisions hung from lampposts.

Thieves had their hands cut off, murderers were executed in public, and homosexuals were killed.

The Taliban, who are careful to display a more moderate image today, have repeatedly promised that if they return to power, they will respect human rights, especially those of women, in accordance with "Islamic values." But in the newly conquered areas, they have already been accused of many atrocities: murder of civilians, beheadings, kidnapping of teenage girls to marry them by force, in particular.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2021-08-15

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