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The Great Winner, The Surprise and the Disappointment: Israel Today's Great Haman Parade | Israel today

2/24/2022, 10:10:45 PM

Everyone talks about the price - but what about the taste? • Our esteemed panel of judges gathered, dressed in comfortable clothes, and tasted over twenty types of manna ears from the best confectioneries and bakeries in Israel • The full list and reviews are waiting for you inside

We have just finished recovering from the Hanukkah donut review, on their plethora of special versions, and it's time to sample and review the impressive collections of Haman ears, the flagship dish of Purim that is approaching us in huge strides.

This year, for obvious reasons, the discourse deals specifically with the prices of haman ears that said, who more and who less, but we, with your permission, will focus on flavors at the moment.

Tasting more than 20 types of haman ears is something I can not do alone, so I invited a respectable panel of experts to judge with me, dressed in comfortable clothes that match the challenge before us, in the private room of the Goldman Yard restaurant in Jaffa.

The confectioner (and out of "Big Brother" and "Bake Off") Or Spitz

The confectioner and cake designer Eyal Revach

Sarit Novak, owner of the "Miss Raspberry" baking blog 

And food blogger Neta Salonim (thefoodnett).

Finally, after quite a bit of hard and tasty work, get the parade of the ten most delicious haman ears in the country.

All that is left is just to eat.

enjoy your meal!

Eyal Revach, Liran Oheli, Or Spitz, Neta Slonim and Sarit Novak, Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

1st place: Jacobs (Score: 8.6)

Or Spitz:

A very special Haman ear with a wink to America.

An interesting combination of flavors that creates a perfect bite.

No wonder Jacobs' ears got the first place.

2nd place: Bread Bakery (Score: 8.5)

Eyal Revach:

Probably the most balanced we've ever tasted.

Haman ear with a rich and very tasty filling in large quantity, which does the job.

The poppy stuffing is perfect.

Place 3: Shani Confectionery (Score: 8.4)

Or Spitz:

A very special Haman ear with a wink to America.

An interesting combination of flavors that creates a perfect bite.

No wonder Jacobs' ears got the first place.

4th place: Cindyz (Score: 8.1)

Planted Salons:

Here's a surprising manna ear, even after many gluttons.

Dough very tasty and crispy just the right amount.

For variety - not too sweet either.

Tasting Haman ears, Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

5th place: Roldin (Score: 7.5)

Or Spitz:

Another pastry in disguise, and this time - from Amul disguised as Haman's ear.

We all really liked the nut and date filling, but we would give up the powdered sugar.

6th place: Baka Bakery (Score: 7.3)

Sarit Novak:

Excellent fillings, especially the halva chocolate flavor.

The soft and delicate dough surprised us all.

7th place: Biscotti (Score: 7.1)

Or Spitz:

Get an original innovation - the dough itself also has a special taste and not just the filling.

The combination of flavors is also very successful.

8th place: Tati (Score: 6.6)

Neta Salonim

: Our opinions here were divided.

I really liked the coconut, but the almond flavor that is too reminiscent of marzipan - less.

Haman's ears, Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

9th place: Wine bread (Score: 6.5)

Eyal Revach:

We all agreed unanimously: the size is fun, the design is beautiful and the dough is excellent.

If the filling was more dominant - we would have had an almost perfect manna ear here.

10th place: Mickey his name (Score: 6.5)

Or Spitz:

Haman ears are very special, thanks to the yeast dough which is not crispy and definitely breaks a routine.

The content is also rich and full of every good.

Hard work day in the office.

Haman's ears for review, Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

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