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What luck: the weekly horoscope | Israel today

3/26/2022, 6:53:00 PM

Dear Patches, This week you have to make complex decisions related to personal status. Do not be afraid, the stars are by your side • Astrological forecast for the week between 31.03.2022-25.03.2022

Aries: March 21 - April 20

You will have the opportunity to express yourself, but do so carefully so as not to lose what you have already achieved.

Leave options open so you get the most out of it.

On Friday and Saturday you will feel that the commitments and responsibilities will not allow for independent or spontaneous activity.

It is an expression of some of the powers you have at work and with your family.

In the first and second, interesting encounters with a variety of people are expected, but you will feel vulnerable and will prefer to set boundaries.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, do not disperse due to inaccurate information.

On Thursday you will have to make decisions related to your personal status in society, at work and in the extended family.

Taurus: April 21 - May 20

Everything related to your life will be examined objectively, including decisions in relationships and what happens at home.

If you are required to compromise, do so in an original way, but find it difficult to cooperate, which can lead to smearing.

Friday and Saturday will be days of performance.

Keep planning, it will help you.

In the first and second you will need to maintain flexibility towards the system at work to maintain the status you have achieved.

You may be doing things that are not acceptable.

Maintain open-mindedness towards any new situation.

On Tuesday and Wednesday you will face stress and anger, perhaps in an inappropriate relationship.

On Thursday your investment in a trip plan is too random.

Twins: May 21 - June 21

You have plans that will combine the familiar and the well-known with an original innovation.

Note the information that is flowing, it is inaccurate and may disrupt the achievements you are aiming for.

On Friday and Saturday you will find yourself in the role of consultants.

Friends will randomly contact you to hear your opinion.

Be careful to give an answer and stay away, so that you do not get involved that is not yours.

Sunday and Monday will be nice days to travel, but you should also address unresolved issues.

The solution to some of them will be in good spirits.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, define for yourself what you want to achieve when you choose to compete for status at work.

Expect emotional support, but it will not always come.

On Thursday you will go out.

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

You may go abroad or build business relationships with people you know abroad.

On Friday and Saturday the attempt to do things spontaneously will not succeed.

Try to share with your spouse or partners and do so within a trust system.

In the first and second money you were supposed to receive will come.

Try to decide in advance what to buy, so that it does not disappear on "nonsense".

Concentrate on your needs, the emotional tension can provoke anger and "mowing" with people without you intending to.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the media is not open and there are emotional components that will affect it.

A job promotion is expected on Thursday.

Lion: July 23 - August 22

You will have a hard time making considered and calculated decisions when it comes to the frameworks of your life and you will have a hard time connecting the edges, especially with new commitments.

Trying to maintain independence is not easy, and you will feel that you have entered into power struggles.

On Friday and Saturday you will decide on a reorganization related to both home and work.

In the first and second spontaneity may be expressed in your directness and in the attempt to express your independence.

Find time to share your plans with your spouse.

On Tuesday and Wednesday they preferred to go out to social gatherings and unwind.

Also take care of the shared properties.

On Thursday you will go out for a variety of work meetings.

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

It is clear to you that you are not giving up a framework as a basis for life, but it is necessary to find an intermediate way in which you can also maintain individuality.

On Friday and Saturday openness to social experiences will blend in with things you have struggled with so far and that have meaning for you.

In the first and second, you will deal with issues that require order and organization.

You will have a hard time maneuvering and everything has to be accurate, so do not try to solve problems these days.

On Tuesday and Wednesday your confidence rests on family support, but this time it is important that the couple reach an agreement with you from a place of emotional understanding.

On Thursday, the amount of money you have been waiting for may come.

Libra: September 23 - October 23

You will face an opportunity that has potential for development.

Caution will accompany you, and there is a high probability that you will choose to examine the development before you connect to the new reality.

On Friday and Saturday you will postpone commitments and make individual decisions, along with the need to be in the company of the family.

In the first and second you will go out for non-spontaneous meetings that will be with distance.

Choose to rub as little as possible.

Stay alert, maybe a new factor in the economic issue will emerge.

On Tuesday and Wednesday you will deal with complex situations at work.

Emphasize planning and setting goals.

On Thursday the mood is good and you decide on a day when you want to have fun with your spouse or close friends.

Scorpio: October 24 - November 21

The decision to compete for your independence will arise again.

Remember: this can come at a price, especially in the interpersonal system.

An expression of mutual anger and restlessness will accompany these days, but once you release steam you will find the way to sharing and rejuvenating in a system of loyalty.

On Friday and Saturday your expressiveness is at its best and you will enjoy breaking a routine.

In the first and second sessions it will be difficult for you and you will prefer to stay in the home environment as a basis for activities or work.

On Tuesday and Wednesday the self-expression system is at its best and will help you refresh yourself in the social setting, along with exciting intimate development.

On Thursday you will be given responsibility at work and learn to disperse powers.

Rainbow: November 22 - December 21

You will have a hard time finding immediate solutions to an existing crisis, but it is a temporary feeling that will pass.

In the meantime take care of the house, maybe a renovation to improve the quality of life?

On Friday and Saturday, a confrontation in the personal relationship is expected.

It will be a bit annoying, and the choice will be to walk away and be with yourself or just in the company of a friend who is easy to talk to, as a kind of defense.

The economic issue will also concern, try to think of how to become more efficient.

In the first and second, avoid grandiose plans, as you will have a hard time being effective and predictable mishaps along the way.

Tuesday and Wednesday will not be calm.

The emotional side of the action, and you will understand that there is no substitute for home and family.

On Thursday you will have a hard time expressing yourself freely.

Do not embarrass yourself.

Capricorn: December 22 - January 20

Days of lack of flow in social relationships.

You may want to be with friends who have been with you for years, the ones you trust.

You experience a workload that requires an accurate schedule. On Friday and Saturday you will find yourself in need of self-expression. The obligation to cooperate with everyone will not suit you, but you will find a way to keep the family framework at home. Where you will spend money, especially when the expenditure is on something you do not need.On Tuesday and Wednesday original thinking will help to renew in the professional field.On Thursday you will prefer to stay at home.

Bucket: January 21 - February 18

You will choose to think good thoughts, and after the mental calculations you make you will find a way to break free from the "moods".

An opportunity is created to gradually open up to a new circle of people at work as well.

On Friday and Saturday you will deal with organization, order and cleanliness.

Getting ready for Passover?

In the first and second sessions the screens will disappear and the dynamics will develop quickly and reciprocally, without formality.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays tensions can affect personal relationships.

The financial area will require preparation for a purchase you have planned.

On Thursday you will go to interesting meetings on the mental and professional level.

Commitments at work will require defined plans, so as not to miss the required schedule.

Fish: February 19 - March 20

Optimism and euphoria affect the agenda.

Stay alert, because maybe the imagination will become too creative and drag you into unwanted districts.

On Friday and Saturday, social experiences are expected in which you will be at the center.

Pay attention to expenses, you are running with an uncontrollable urge and the temptations are stronger than ever.

In the first and second if you are planning a work or a project, you should pay attention to the nuances so as not to make a mistake or disperse with the goals.

This time there is no room for maneuvering or correcting errors.

On Tuesday and Wednesday you will open up to something new that will excite you.

Do not hesitate to ask for help if needed.

On Thursday, please note: this is not the time for purchases.

They will not meet expectations later.

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