The Limited Times

Opinion | Government Changing Method of Government Israel today

5/9/2022, 8:36:17 PM

Israeli citizens have become accustomed to the indulgence of choosing a party that exactly matches their worldview • While in the US, UK and Germany there are only two parties - in Israel there are at least 10

The Knesset's summer conference will open today, while a large question mark hovers over the head of the government.

The opposition will pass a bill to dissolve the Knesset, and it is likely to pass a preliminary reading, also due to the sanctions imposed by RAAM on its membership in the coalition. Of the enactment of the law, or for the replacement of the government in the current Knesset.

There is no governmental stability in Israel.

Behind us are four election campaigns in three years, and the fifth is already popping up beyond the horizon, before a full year into government.

A change government?

you are welcome.

This is the appropriate time to re-raise the issue of changing the electoral system.

Almost no government in Israel, over the years, has fulfilled its days, which indicates the need to prepare differently.

To adapt to Israel, on its tribes, a method that on the one hand will ensure stability, and on the other hand will provide adequate representation for all sectors of society.

The multiplicity of parties in Israel is the root of all evil.

The spoils fell in 1992, when the law of direct election to the prime minister emerged, which allowed Israeli citizens to choose the prime minister on one note, and the party on the other.

The law was to be the first step in a comprehensive reform of the system of government.

Three prime ministers were elected using this method - Netanyahu, Barak and Sharon - but since no change was made in the method of electing Knesset members, the reform was doomed to failure.

In 2003, during Ariel Sharon's tenure, and with the consent of the opposition, the law was repealed and the old system was restored.

But the citizens of Israel have become accustomed to the indulgence of choosing a party that exactly, but precisely, conforms to their worldview.

This led to fragmentation of the political system.

To the shards of parties on the right and left.

In the United States, Britain and Germany there are only two parties, and in the last French presidential election four parties competed. Some are cuckoos, on the starting line.

Raising the blocking percentage to 3.25 percent was not enough either.

The dispersion is large, and the ability to form a functioning coalition is small.

A further increase in the blocking percentage may cause more parties to find a broad common denominator and unite.

In the end, there should be no more than four parties in Israel - center-right, center-left, ultra-Orthodox and Arab.

There is really no answer to the question why Labor, Meretz, Blue and White and there is a future do not want the ticket of the center-left, such as the Democratic Party in the US. The center-right flag, the example of the Republicans in the United States.

Even in a magnifying glass it is not possible, really, to find the differences between a new hope and the Likud and the right.

Only the desire of Saar and Bennett not to see Netanyahu around them prevents this.

Torah Judaism and Shas, in its contemporary ultra-Orthodox edition, can run together and exhaust their power.

After all, MK Mansour Abbas has proven that if you want - you can.

And if we go back for a moment to the law of direct choice - this is not a bad law.

It does make it possible to elect whoever the people want as prime minister, as is the case with local elections.

However, it is imperative to complete the reform of the election of Knesset members, and to include national and regional elections - which will meet the need for adequate representation of Israeli society, or at least stipulate that the mandate to form a government will be given to one of the two major parties.

This alone will lead to the unification of parties.

All that remains is the courage of leaders, on both sides, who will agree and want to change reality, and not just their political situation.

Were we wrong?


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