The Limited Times

Opinion The best for plastering Israel today

7/28/2022, 6:55:51 AM

If a commissioner and a former chief prosecutor are caught whitewashing a murder (allegedly) and don't even properly deny it (which is to sue for libel for millions), what will the little citizen who was kidnapped by a passing mismaniac Bomba say?

As of writing these lines the ground is not shaking, everything is fine.

Move on, nothing to see.

I mean, physically it does indeed shake, bricks fall and Richter jumped with a scale to measure, but if we open most of the news websites and newspapers we will find that there really is no event.

Go ahead, move forward, you're holding up traffic.

In a nail-biting interview conducted by Amit Segal with the former Deputy Chief of the Police, Moshe Saada, it was revealed that the Commissioner of the Israel Police together with the State Attorney covered up the investigation into the death of Ya'acov Abu Al-Qian, allegedly by policemen.

This is one article in a series, which should reveal facts that most of the public already knows about the hands that the prosecutor's office and the police combine to introduce Sicilian control.

We sharpened again, perhaps missed: on Tuesday it was revealed that the state attorney and the former commissioner botched an investigation into the killing of an Israeli citizen and tampered with evidence. An innocent Israeli citizen was shot to death, and for political reasons (Netanyahu's trial) it was decided - despite all findings to the contrary - that he was a terrorist. Later it will be revealed that the police She also killed an unarmed Jewish youth and tampered with evidence with support from above.

But Segal's great story joins the dismal general story: apathy.

The death of expectations.

It's been a while since revelations that in any western country in the globe would shake the institutions of government and the media, pass through the air as if they were economic facts through Naama Lazimi's head.

Who do we expect from?

From the mainstream media?

If in previous exposures the regular routine of overlapping lines accompanied by poor explanations was demonstrated, here even that almost did not happen.

Take even the pair of spokespeople for the lawyer-Shilham, Network 13 journalist, Glickman and Kara, who are still ignored.

So okay, professionalism and ethics from Tweedledum and Tweedledee, who are likely to be instructed to shut up, is an unreasonable expectation.

What about the rest?

Many questions can be asked about the interview with Saada.

Maybe he's a disgruntled employee?

Maybe he turned to politics?

Maybe Saada is actually a betrayed side in a complicated office romantic trapeze that includes a secretary, a lawyer and a stapler?

Maybe and maybe, but we won't know.

So communication?


And expectations from politicians?

You laughed.

Gideon Sa'ar made it a point to fulfill 100 percent of all his promises over the years at the Ministry of Justice;

Shaked as usual disgraced herself and her voters in the committee for appointing judges;

And the Likud?

It is hard to find anyone, even the most burned-out Likudnik, who thinks that if Netanyahu returns to power he will not continue to take pride in protecting the justice system as he did for 12 years;

Religious Zionism?

According to the previous section - Netanyahu will appoint Gantz, Michaeli or Lior Shalein as the Minister of Justice before a knitted ideological representative.

You can go on and on, but the despair doesn't get any easier: if a commissioner and former chief prosecutor are caught whitewashing a murder (allegedly) and don't even deny it properly (which is to sue for libel for millions) and the world continues as usual - what will the little citizen who kidnapped a passing mismaniac bomb say? How many times have you been recorded as gods?

What will a rape victim say when a police officer at the station asks her to testify while she is smiling?

What will settlers say who watch in shock at the attorney's office demanding the demolition of their house that was built with approval, when an illegal settlement is being established on the opposite hill under the protection of those attorneys?

They and others will say nothing.

The Sueb won a long time ago.

We got used to it.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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