The Limited Times

Opinion The birth of bureaucratic corruption Israel today

7/28/2022, 7:01:44 AM

If the corruption of Mapai gave another job and another role to the people of Shlomo in order to fortify party rule, the bureaucratic corruption forfeits the ability to choose a government freely

Do a simple Google search and you will get a visualization of my claim: there is no term "bureaucratic-corruption".

There is governmental corruption - public corruption of elected officials or of businessmen, who try to bypass the loopholes of the bureaucratic apparatus.

But corruption of the bureaucracy itself?


And what would it be like, if in the definition the relationship between the concepts is presented as the opposite: less bureaucracy = more (governmental) corruption?

In the academic and public arenas, corruption and bureaucracy are placed opposite each other.

While corruption is attributed to a private action, which is against the common good, the bureaucracy is a collective mechanism based on a common will, and its role is to protect the public interest from corruption.

Moreover, in the name of eliminating the corruption of elected officials, the bureaucracy not only represents the public commons, but has begun to determine the national priorities on its own.

"Essential democracy" is only one expression of this concept.

Historically, there used to be a distinct connection between bureaucracy and corruption.

Mapai invented a method in which it used the bureaucracy to establish its governing power. Its control over every good bureaucratic part, and seeing public positions as a continuation of the pool of political positions, created a "perfect match" between the narrow party interest and the state apparatus. 

In 1977 there was a change.

The fact that the right did not rush to replace the bureaucratic apparatus after the political upheaval, gave birth to a bureaucracy that is not identified with the ruling party, and created an "opportunity" to separate the government and the bureaucracy.

Naive segregation, which soon became a political force in itself.

The "politic-free" bureaucracy gained a special refinement as the (right-wing) government was removed from it.

The number of "jobs of trust" was specified.

The fight against the danger of political contamination became important due to the ability of the elected officials to rule, and on the other hand - the perception that there is a compatibility between politics and corruption increased.

In the next step, the democratic act that Shamir took, when he opened the party institutions and the Likud center to all activists, was also tarnished.

The important effect of broad participation in the political game, and providing equal opportunities to different populations to take part in public action - was presented as a story of hot dog stands and political deals.

Recently, the coverage of the Likud primaries also continues this trend, of turning the democratic political system into a derogatory source and having a criminal image.

If once the members of the party were presented in terms of ill-mannered chachachachs who talk with their hands, now the last of the candidates or the first of the elected are presented as corrupt, or at least as having the potential to be so.

And to the testimony of Moshe Saada, deputy head of the National Intelligence Service - this story, as well as the testimony of Guy Nir (the head of the intelligence division), the words of Hila Gerstel (the commissioner for the legal courts), the statements of Dr. Chen Kogel (the director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine) , and above all, a host of actions taken in the Netanyahu files, towards him and those around him - reveal another and terrifying turn in the relationship between corruption and bureaucracy.

The enormous bureaucratic power that built itself based on a total disconnection from the elected political system and the eyes of the public, gave birth to a new corruption: bureaucratic corruption.

instead of the red pad and "do you want jobs?"

of Limor Livnat at the front of the stage, Alsheich's shouts and the generous job offers for Sada (so that he would "shut up") are heard in the rooms.

The bureaucratic apparatus itself has been corrupted. 

However, while political corruption (which is serious in itself) is ultimately subject to public trial and criticism through a democratic decision, the bureaucratic corruption that is unfolding before our eyes is mobilizing all the power mechanisms at its disposal to prevent its actions from being exposed to the public.

If the corruption of Mapai gave another job and another role to the people of Shlomo in order to fortify a certain party rule, the bureaucratic corruption can usurp the real ability to freely choose a government that does not obey its wishes. This is already a reversal of the system of the regime. The new connection surrounded by bureaucratic corruption He is nothing less than a great danger to democracy.

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