The Limited Times

Wanted: Warriors for the Army TikTok | Israel Hayom

11/18/2023, 9:35:48 AM

Highlights: Israel Hayom: After the collapse of Hamas, the next major campaign will take place on social networks. He says the main battlefield today is TikTok, from where they draw their worldview. Hayom says the world sees Jews as the ultimate evil, but the world has absolute control. "We are the high-tech nation. It is inconceivable that nations that have not brought any innovation to the world, whose power is only in their money," Hayom writes in Israel Hayom.

After the collapse of Hamas, the next major campaign will take place on social networks, which shape consciousness • Diaspora Jews must reorganize in a defensive and offensive formation • And who will put an end to the phenomenon of motorcycles that make our lives miserable?

The biggest frustration is that we are right, but the world sees us as the ultimate evil. And all because of the social networks, in which our enemies have absolute control, after investing billions for years in creating content and training influencers, who are now pounding us with their many false videos and decisive the battle for public opinion to our detriment.

Like so many areas that have been neglected for years – I won't list them all because then I'll have to take over the last page of the newspaper – the field of public relations has been completely abandoned. Everything seemed to be fine, Bibi can speak English and that's enough. He will explain already. And now, when the campaign is waged by children and teenagers in videos that are a few seconds long, with all kinds of inventions that look silly from the side but that determine consciousness - we are simply not in the game.

The main battlefield today is TikTok. An entire generation is on TikTok, from where they draw their worldview, their information, their ideological affiliation. And now, in this bitter war, our enemies are giving us a school for reversing consciousness. They succeed in making the Palestinian cause sexy, fashionable, the right thing to support. Any user can install a Palestinian mask filter and appear on social media wearing a Palestinian flag on their face. And millions do it, not even knowing what it means.

And once a person has a red-black-green mask on his face, he is no longer with us. And in elections in his country, he will vote for a party that does not support us, and governments will alienate us, and are already alienating. And oh, how hard loneliness is in this digital age.

When this failed, neglectful regime is replaced, appointing top flatterers as responsible for areas of life critical to our existence instead of excellent people (remember my uncle Amsalem as digital minister?), a real information ministry must be established and global social media experts must be recruited, investing huge sums of money, billions, in order to prepare for the next campaign against us. We are the high-tech nation. It is inconceivable that nations that have not brought any innovation to the world, whose power is only in their money, will defeat us in the battle for our lives thanks to content that better than them can be created here, if only there is someone to lead the process.

Our excellent young people must join the army of TikTok, which will conquer the world's networks with surprising, funny, exciting inventions that our people with huge hearts know how to produce. After the collapse of Hamas, our biggest battle is over the algorithms of the networks. And those who do not understand what an algorithm is, and why it is at least as important as a new weapon system - live in a world that no longer exists.


Diaspora Jews, Shalom Aleichem. I don't envy you. You thought you were abroad – it turned out you were in hell. You thought you were involved in the nations of the world, and it turned out that, as always, in the end the Jew was left alone. The radical Muslims, who trickled into your countries through the multicultural doors they opened for them, lit up all at once and showed who they really are, and the fire of madness that gripped them lit the semi-dormant anti-Semitism in the general Christian population – and which we will live and which we warned would happen, is happening in a huge way. Once again, it is dangerous to be Jews in the Diaspora in almost all countries in the world, especially those where the percentage of Muslims exceeds ten percent, and they are a political force to be reckoned with.

Get up, our exiled brothers, and do deeds. I'm not necessarily talking about aliyah. It is not certain that at the moment our situation allows for good and rapid absorption of masses of immigrants. But you must regroup, take your destiny in your own hands. No one will protect you, not in universities, not in the streets, not in synagogues. From a frightened public that removes signs of Jewish identity, begging the authorities for recognition, for a kind word, for protection - you must become an independent, strong, frightening force. You have to be the one who doesn't mess with them – and whoever dares, will pay big.

Anti-Semites say that we rule the world. We know this is complete nonsense, but they are not. Therefore, actions must be taken to strengthen the feeling that there is a strong, transnational Jewish force that protects all Jews, wherever they may be. Now is the time to unite and work together on several levels. First of all - to train, to learn Krav Maga and the use of weapons, to create small, strong and smart intervention squads that reach friction points, demonstrations, anti-Semitic incidents, fight back and disappear. Let them be afraid.

Once upon a time, there was Rabbi Kahane's Jewish Defense League, whose actions led to its designation as a terrorist organization. Not so. We must work wisely and within the framework of the law, and erect a Jewish iron wall in the face of rising Muslim violence. And besides, we, you, are leaders in the economy, in academia, in employment. The body that monitors anti-Semites must be established by technological means, and harm them through quick dismissals from workplaces, lawsuits, and online shaming. Let any abducted ad ripper know that this can also end in loss of livelihood and prosecution.

Diaspora Jews, you have a choice: either immigrate to Israel, or alienate Israel as some Jews do, or become stronger, arm, be a united fist that does not rely on anyone for protection. From this crisis you can emerge strong, on all levels. Come on, for training.

Terror motorcycles

We're standing at a traffic light, next to a crime motorcycle, squeezing its gas throttle and making sounds that are very similar to an alarm. My youngest daughter says: Daddy, I hate him. I say: Me too. I look at the motorcycle and see that its license plate is also folded, like serial two-wheeled criminals, so that it won't be possible to take pictures. I understand – he's an asocial type. A man who enjoys sowing terror in the hearts of others, especially when everything is so tense. I regret confirming that I hate him too, and I didn't correct the message of compassion for the weak who don't know how to create a place for themselves in the world and choose to bully them to be noticed. I say to myself - don't be so righteous. It is sometimes permissible to blindly hate those who deliberately blow your heart out with a cut exhaust.

Like many problems that have been neglected, contained, repressed and rejected, the problem of motorcycle rampage exploded in our ears, and continues to do so every night since that terrible day. Even before the trauma, the rampage of motorcycles at night was very problematic, and even on days they did not bury their exhausts in the plate. But now we must take care.

I saw with joy that the police confiscated from Arabs, who deliberately bounced their Jewish neighbors, a considerable amount of such terror motorcycles. I would have loved to organize their extermination ceremony with a huge shredding machine at Doha Stadium in front of the owners. But it is clear that the phenomenon has not been stopped, and the girls of my household who bounce their limbs every night towards the safe room will testify, until it turns out that this is another two-legged creature on a two-wheeler, who for nationalistic or psychological reasons enjoys opening the throttle to the end, especially when people try to rest after another day of stress and sorrow.

Just as in New York Rudy Giuliani, then mayor and today a sad joke, took control of crime using the broken windows method, that is, dealing with the small crime first of all, and from there it radiated upwards - so here, too, the broken tailpipes of motorcycles, which horrify every heart, must be dealt with. And not only in them. Motorcycles, ATVs and improved cars have become weapons, and so they should be driven. At the beginning of the month, Arab ATV riders with Palestinian flags appeared in Moshav Gamzu in the lowlands, forcing residents to go out and defend their homes. They escaped in the end. And what will happen when they return?

The police are at their limits, completely tense, and yet, it's time to get thunderous motorcycles, scary ATVs and improved cars off the road. War is an opportunity to clean up without accountability to anyone. Personal safety begins on the roads. Quiet road - the beginning of our redemption.

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