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Opinion | Who will lower the transaction price? | Israel Hayom


Highlights: In negotiations with Hamas, public opinion in Israel can raise the price and also lower it. The Shamgar Commission recommended that a "one for one" approach should be adopted. That didn't happen, and according to the media now, it's not going to happen either. According to media reports, many times more terrorists will be released than abducted Israelis, women, children and babies. The pressure to publish rumors and parts of rumors raises the price. Despite requests by every MK or minister interviewee not to discuss the details, these are discussed through all channels.

The Shamgar Commission recommended that a "one for one" approach should be adopted, a body for a body and a living for a life. That didn't happen, and according to the media now, it's not going to happen either

In negotiations with Hamas, based on past experience, public opinion in Israel can raise the price and also lower it.Full disclosure: I was one of the leaders of the protest against the Shalit deal in the format in which it was made. Even then, our demand was to enter Gaza and topple Hamas.

We believed that there were enough levers of pressure against Hamas and that we must not let the monster grow. We brought proposals, they all shattered on the wall of conception.

We thought that Hamas' infiltration into Israeli territory by abducting one soldier and killing two others (Gilad Shalit's tank crewmates) was enough to justify such an operation being carried out today. The concept of containment held that three soldiers were not enough to justify an action.

We argued all along that the Shamgar Commission's conclusions for the redemption of prisoners and missing persons must be implemented immediately. The committee was appointed in 2008 and the recommendations were published in 2012, only after Gilad Shalit's release.

In our meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu before the deal was implemented, the Prime Minister promised to implement the conclusions after Shalit's release. In practice, the recommendations have not yet been submitted to the government and in any case have not been approved by the government.The Shamgar Committee recommended that "one for one" should be taken, a body for a body and a living for a living. That didn't happen, and according to the media now, it's not going to happen either. According to media reports, many times more terrorists will be released than abducted Israelis, women, children and babies.

The pressure to publish rumors and parts of rumors raises the price. Despite requests by every MK or minister interviewee not to discuss the details, these are discussed through all channels, and there is no balance because there is no one to oppose

However, throughout our years of protest, we saw that while the negotiations were stalled, our demonstrations against them helped the Israeli side show that public opinion was struggling to accept the terrible price. There were points in the negotiations where it was hinted to us that there was a need to make a voice to balance the Shalit family's aggressive campaign for release "at any price" – and now we are again facing a mega-campaign due to the large number of abductees.

The media gives a huge tailwind to the abductees' headquarters, families are constantly interviewed on all channels, stories that bring tears to the eyes of all who hear are heard constantly. The pressure to publish rumors and parts of rumors raises the price. Despite requests from every MK or minister interviewee not to discuss the details, these are discussed on all channels, and there is no balance because there is no one to stand against it.I admit that it was difficult to stand in front of Gilad Shalit's parents and say that the deal to release the terrorists is a disaster and must not be done. As a father of children, I was not jealous of their situation. In the uncertainty, in the agonizing thoughts. But as an Israeli, I knew what this deal would do, and today you can say, "We told you so."

At the same time, in the face of what happened that Saturday, in front of the abductees, the elderly and the babies, it is impossible to stand up and say, "Don't make a deal." But I must say, the price will be exaggerated and high, because the campaign to release the hostages is not balanced by a counter-vote, and "at any price" will cost us a great deal, hopefully not on the scale of October 7.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-11-19

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