The Limited Times

Hezbollah condemns Netanyahu's declaration of annexation of land in the West Bank

9/11/2019, 4:52:28 PM

Beirut, (SANA) - Hezbollah condemned the announcement of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's intention to annex Palestinian lands.


Hizbullah condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's announcement that he intends to annex Palestinian land from the occupied West Bank, stressing that it is an aggression against the Palestinian people who have the full right to resist any aggression on their land or the capabilities of their country.

Hezbollah said in a statement issued today that this announcement "comes after a series of Gulf positions in support of the enemy entity, which gave him the right to aggression against the Arab peoples in Lebanon and Palestine," noting that "the normal steps and Gulf efforts to establish alliances with the enemy was an opportunity for Netanyahu to grab more territory After the announcement of the annexation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and large parts of the West Bank and then the occupied Syrian Golan and today the Jordan Valley amid a US-Israeli-Gulf partnership announced.

The party affirmed that "all Israeli Judaic steps are void measures that the Palestinian people will face united and will fail as they confronted the alleged unified deal of the century and dropped it and that Palestine as a whole is a right for the Palestinian people.

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