The Limited Times

The Hong Kong version of the National Security Law | The establishment faction expresses its understanding and support for the approval of the pan-Chinese people to reinvent Hong Kong ’s economy and stir up speculation in Hong Kong

5/22/2020, 8:20:00 AM

The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress opened this morning (22nd). The agenda includes consideration of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." The draft mainly targets four types of behaviors, including subversion of state power, secession of the country, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces. Various groups of democratic factions held a joint press conference today (22nd) to respond to national security legislation. CDF convener Cen Zijie said that after the news of the review of the National Security Law was released, the Hong Kong stock market "opened low and kept falling", saying that the Chinese Communist Party is the party promoting "Hong Kong speculation", criticizing this move not only destroying freedom and democracy, but also destroying The "largest nuclear bomb" on which Hong Kong's economic prosperity is based. He pointed out that the government has also tried to pass the masking law and the restraining order without the Legislative Council, and then became a tool for police abuse. At the same time, the court may not be able to protect Hong Kong people. After the implementation of the National Security Law, non-Hong Kong people can even go to Hong Kong to enforce the law, and may not even have to go to trial in Hong Kong, criticizing the move as "the heart of the heart is not dead." Cen Zijie expressed the hope that after the Democratic Front announces the action later, more than two million Hong Kong people will participate at that time, and also urges the public to "state their position in a way that they can afford", and believes that the Hong Kong people have also been desperate during the anti-revision movement. Yes, but later the government can withdraw. The formation faction also met with the media in the afternoon to issue a joint statement. The formation faction leader Liao Changjiang read out the formation faction statement at the meeting, expressing understanding and support for the National People ’s Congress draft on establishing Hong Kong ’s national security legal system. The statement also states that Hong Kong has returned to China for 23 years, and has not yet made local legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, which has caused Hong Kong to suffer greatly, "endangering the safety and well-being of China's 1.4 billion people." The statement emphasizes that Hong Kong ’s legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law is still in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the establishment of the relevant draft by the National People ’s Congress can effectively safeguard national security and the well-being of the people, protect the legitimate rights and freedoms of the general public, and promote the stability of one country, two systems.

Political situation

Written by: Liu Jinhua, Luo Jiaqing

2020-05-22 13:37

Date of last update: 2020-05-22 16:09

The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress opened this morning (22nd). The agenda includes consideration of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law." The draft mainly targets four types of behaviors, including subversion of state power, secession of the country, terrorist activities, and interference by external forces. Various groups of democratic factions held a joint press conference today (22nd) to respond to national security legislation.

CDF convener Cen Zijie said that after the news of the review of the National Security Law was released, the Hong Kong stock market "opened low and kept falling", saying that the Chinese Communist Party is the party promoting "Hong Kong speculation", criticizing this move not only destroying freedom and democracy, but also destroying The "largest nuclear bomb" on which Hong Kong's economic prosperity is based. He pointed out that the government has also tried to pass the masking law and the restraining order without the Legislative Council, and then became a tool for police abuse. At the same time, the court may not be able to protect Hong Kong people. After the implementation of the National Security Law, non-Hong Kong people can even go to Hong Kong to enforce the law, and may not even have to go to trial in Hong Kong, criticizing the move as "the heart of the heart is not dead." Cen Zijie expressed the hope that after the Democratic Front announces the action later, more than two million Hong Kong people will participate at that time, and also urges the public to "state their position in a way that they can afford", and believes that the Hong Kong people have also been desperate during the anti-revision movement. Yes, but later the government can withdraw.

The formation faction also met with the media in the afternoon to issue a joint statement. The formation faction leader Liao Changjiang read out the formation faction statement at the meeting, expressing understanding and support for the National People ’s Congress draft on establishing Hong Kong ’s national security legal system. The statement also states that Hong Kong has returned to China for 23 years, and has not yet made local legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law, which has caused Hong Kong to suffer greatly, "endangering the safety and well-being of China's 1.4 billion people." The statement emphasizes that Hong Kong ’s legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law is still in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the establishment of the relevant draft by the National People ’s Congress can effectively safeguard national security and the well-being of the people, protect the legitimate rights and freedoms of the general public, and promote the stability of one country, two systems.

The Hong Kong version of the National Security Law: The Third Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress was held in Beijing on May 22. (Reuters)

The new Democratic Party Chairman Ye Liu Shuyi said that Hong Kong currently has laws prohibiting treason, espionage, etc., but there are no laws prohibiting subversion of state power and anti-terrorism. Therefore, the Central Committee ’s decision is welcomed; Mai Meijuan of the Federation of Trade Unions said that he hopes the relevant draft can be As soon as possible, Li Huiqiong, chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong, said that the NPC ’s decision was in the overall interest of the country. She emphasized that no country would allow loopholes in its national security and called for the destruction of Hong Kong elements to be stopped. Li Huiqiong reiterated that the draft only targets four aspects. As long as everyone abides by the law and does not commit extreme acts, the Basic Law still protects the public.

Liang Meifen, a member of the Basic Law Committee, believes that the Central Government has enacted the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", the purpose of which is to ensure social peace and ensure national security without major loopholes. She also pointed out that the enactment of the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" by the state does not mean that there is no need for legislation in Article 23 of the Basic Law, emphasizing that the two are complementary and not mutually exclusive.

When asked whether the central government did not believe in the SAR government and the establishment faction, it bypassed the Legislative Assembly and included the draft in Annex III of the Basic Law. Liao Changjiang denied the statement and said that he had never heard anyone blame the establishment legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law. After the central government announced that it had reviewed the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law", the decline in Hong Kong stocks continued to expand to more than 1,100 points. Lu Weiguo said that it was simplistic and unscientific to blame the stock market plunge today.

Li Zhuoren, chairman of the stake committee, said that the CCP ’s move is now announcing to the international community that Hong Kong has entered the "one country, one system" system, criticizing the National Security Law as a "universal key" for criminalizing it. He also questioned whether the SFC ’s support for the rights protection and democratic movements in the Mainland had committed the crime of inciting subversion of national security. He believed that the definition of national security was "appointing the Communist Party of China," and criticized the human rights situation under Xi Jinping's administration as worse than in 2003. Li Zhuoren also believes that the National Security Law is aimed at people with ties to foreign countries, questioning "Hong Kong's secondary system is an international city?", And that the CCP's move is to dig its own grave and isolate itself internationally. He also called on Hong Kong people to persevere in their struggle and show determination to the world. The international community will respond by then, and encourage Hong Kong people not to be too pessimistic.

Chen Shuzhuang, a member of the Citizens ’Legislative Council and convener of the Democrats, said that the central government has intervened in Hong Kong affairs in the past few months, such as criticizing the yellow economy circle, criticizing the examination questions of the history examination of the diploma, and so on. Lessons from failure. She pointed out that the state security organs will enforce mainland laws in Hong Kong, and will not enforce laws in accordance with Hong Kong laws. They will not be restricted by Hong Kong laws and may even go to a Chinese court for trial.

Huang Biyun, a member of the Democratic Party ’s Legislative Council, pointed out that the National Security Law makes Hong Kong ’s administrative, legislative, and judicial authorities obey. I believe that China ’s national security agencies will be extended to Hong Kong in the short term, and it will also stipulate how Hong Kong ’s administrative agencies implement the National Security Law. Criticism is a violation of the rights granted to Hong Kong people by the Basic Law.

Leung Kwok-hung, a former member of the Social People ’s Legislative Council, took the T-shirt "Ending One Party Dictatorship" he was wearing as an example, saying that as long as the masses wore the T-shirt at the same time, the crime of subversion of national security was already committed on the mainland. He criticized the current government for saying that there is terrorist activity in Hong Kong, but in fact there is already an anti-terrorism law, and there is no need to establish a national security law. He took Liu Xiaobo, the drafter of Charter 08 as an example, saying that he was sentenced to prison under the National Security Law for many years. Liang Guoxiong urged Hong Kong people to explain to the world that the laws do not represent the wishes of Hong Kong people inside and outside the Parliament after the implementation of the National Security Law.

Cen Zijie criticized the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" not only destroying freedom and democracy, but also the "largest nuclear bomb" that undermines the foundation of Hong Kong's economic prosperity. (Photo by Liu Jinhua)

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