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China: Pompeo is blackmailing the Hong Kong government


BEIJING - SANA, China confirmed today that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is blackmailing the Hong Kong government


China today confirmed that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is blackmailing the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under the pretext of protecting human rights.

Reuters quoted a spokesman for the Hong Kong Affairs Office of the Chinese Foreign Ministry as saying in a statement today that "Pompeo is blackmailing the region's government using the Human Rights and Democracy Law in Hong Kong," stressing that Washington's actions constitute a blatant interference in the country's internal affairs and that China will protect its sovereignty, security and interests. .

Pompeo said yesterday that "the treatment recently received by pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong makes it difficult to assess whether the city is still independent of China and is a condition for obtaining special treatment under US law."

Source: sena

All news articles on 2020-05-21

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