The Limited Times

Coronavirus in Argentina: 120 new deaths and 5,939 positive cases reported in the last 24 hours

7/28/2020, 11:07:14 PM

This was reported by the Ministry of Health of the Nation. The Province accumulates the majority of infections.

07/28/2020 - 19:50

  • Clarí
  • Society

While the City and the province of Buenos Aires begin to define how the quarantine in the Metropolitan Area will continue, the Ministry of Health of the Nation reported on Tuesday 120 deaths and 5,939 new cases of coronavirus throughout the country.

It is the second day with the highest number of deaths, just one below the record of 121 deaths the previous day. 

Since the start of the pandemic, 3,179 fatalities and 173,355 infections have been recorded.

In its morning report, the health portfolio had confirmed the death of 23 people (12 men and 11 women), of whom 15 resided in the Province, seven in the Federal Capital and one in Mendoza.

Later, another 97 deaths were added : 53 men (34 from the Province, 17 from CABA, one from Córdoba, and one from Río Negro) and 44 women (20 from Buenos Aires, 21 from the Federal Capital, one from Córdoba, one from Mendoza and one from Río Negro).

As has been the case for several weeks, the province of Buenos Aires accumulated the largest number of new infections, reporting 4,167 positives, just over 70% of the day's total. The City, for its part, registered 1,202 infected.

According to official information, 12,398 new samples were made on Monday and 660,112 diagnostic tests for this disease were carried out since the outbreak began, which is equivalent to 14,547.4 samples per million inhabitants.

The index that measures the number of positive cases on the tests performed yesterday stood at 45% nationwide and exceeded 50% in the City and Province of Buenos Aires, that is, one out of every two samples analyzed detected an infected person.

In the last hours, the barrier of the thousand people hospitalized for intensive care coronavirus was broken for the first time. Most of them are in AMBA health centers, where there is a situation of "tension" at the cost of occupying beds in the City's private health subsector.

The Secretary of Access to Health, Carla Vizzotti, said this morning that the provinces of Jujuy, Río Negro, Chaco, Neuquén and Mendoza each have more than 10 patients hospitalized in critical care units.

The official explained that the bed occupancy rate is varying due to different factors ranging from the number of patients who are admitted to these units every day and those who leave them -because they are discharged or die-, but also continues expanding the number of places available.

"The number of beds available is increasing every day based on the expansion work" carried out by the different jurisdictions "to continue expanding capacity and for the health system to continue responding," he said.

In addition, he stressed that mortality remains stable and that there are no new areas of community transmission, but that work is being done to control "conglomerate outbreaks" in different provinces, including Tucumán, Entre Ríos and Córdoba.

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