The Limited Times

Globetrotter teaches from a distance

11/20/2020, 8:37:03 PM

Nina Buschmann is a teacher. Your classroom has always been the world wide web. She teaches from home in Icking, but also from other places around the world.

Nina Buschmann is a teacher.

Your classroom has always been the world wide web.

She teaches from home in Icking, but also from other places around the world.

  • Nina Buschmann from Ickingen has been traveling around the globe for many years

  • The birth of their son Nicolai didn't change that - he goes with them on trips

  • The teacher's students are scattered around the world, and classes are taught on the Internet

Icking -

What is a "no-go" for many, namely teaching via PC instead of in a real room, has been practiced around the globe by Nina Buschmann from


for many years.

Because not only her students are internationally scattered.

The 43-year-old prefers to be out and about in her bus herself and holds her lessons remotely using a laptop: “Even as a child, I enjoyed exploring with my parents and have since traveled to over 100 countries.” A contribution from the ZDF series tells of this "37 degrees" with the title "Home office on the beach", which can be found in the ZDF media library.

Traveled over 60 countries with the Filius

The birth of his son Nicolai, now seven years old, did not change anything in Buschmann's wanderlust.

As a baby he accompanied his mom on numerous trips.

They toured Myanmar, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Kuwait and all over Europe.

In total, she has traveled to over 60 countries with her Filius.

Buschmann's students have already had lessons from the mountains, from the beach or from national parks.

Rarely from the roadside and even less often from motorway service stations - that is, if at all, an emergency solution.

“My students all know that I'm on the road,” reveals the travel-loving educator in an interview with our newspaper.

She values ​​quiet and safe places in beautiful surroundings.

Friends or the various apps that have become her valuable advisors show the way.

There is a photo album for every trip to process the countless pictures.

The 43-year-old has already published two books.


The teacher also teaches in the minibus.

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Son Nicolai is always the focus of the photos.

The passionate mother is certain: "He loves traveling as much as I do".

What if she teaches?

“Then he listens to audio books or plays with Lego,” says Buschmann.

“Even if he looks into the camera, it's not a problem.

The students all know that I have a child. ”In addition, Nicolai is an absolutely uncomplicated and calm child who knows how to keep busy.

The technology also seldom let her down: “I have my own Internet with my own router.” Only sometimes the network that she has to dial into despite her independence is a problem.

But that is not a problem either: "I don't have any students who will take the Abitur exam the next day."

By land to India

Nina Buschmann undertook the longest journey before Nicolai was born - and without a bus.

She traveled overland from the Ickingen S-Bahn station to India and was on the road for six months - without a return ticket, but with a healthy dose of preparation and caution.

"Of course, I had to take care of visas in good time, and every trip also carries a certain risk," says the 43-year-old. She has already experienced some "really crappy ... situations", she suggests, without wanting to give examples.

“In the end, all situations ended well, and in the end there was always someone who saved me,” she says, summarizing her adventures so far.

Compulsory break not only because of Corona

After son Nicolai started school last summer, Nina and Nicolai live with dad and grandpa Dieter Buschmann, respectively.

Since then, the opportunities to travel have been limited to the holiday periods.

“But the bus is in front of the door, and just the feeling that we could set off immediately is a bit of freedom for me,” says Nina Buschmann, expressing her inherent wanderlust.

She had actually planned a little trip for the autumn break, but she broke her ankle while walking around the bus.

Now, regardless of the restrictions of the "lockdown light", it is slowed down for the time being.

Whether it can wander into the distance during the Christmas holidays is still in the stars.

And also how to proceed afterwards.

"Unfortunately, I was told in the workshop that the TÜV for the bus will definitely not be extended."


Nina Buschmann gives distance learning comfortably on the beach.

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For the time being, that seems to be the end of their long-distance travel.

“I have no idea how it will go on.

Our bus is so perfectly set up for us, but it's just showing its age and rusting through, ”says Nina Buschmann.

Nevertheless, she could not and would not buy a new, spacious vehicle for tens of thousands of euros.

She wouldn’t mind if someone found herself this time to save her from a precarious situation.


Also read: Ickingen couple writes vegan-basic cookbook

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