The Limited Times

Blurred mode Israel today

11/7/2021, 3:37:48 PM

Blurred vision is probably the most common visual impairment and during life, it will meet many of us at various points and for various reasons. Many times it will indeed be a vision that is weakened, but sometimes - blurred vision may indicate a life-threatening condition. So how do we know there is no cause for concern and when should you run to the doctor?

Visual acuity is one of the most influential factors in our quality of vision, if not the first factor.

When visual acuity is impaired in one or both eyes, everyday and simple operations like reading and even recognizing faces from a distance, become difficult to impossible to perform.

But how does this happen to us and why?

In most cases, blurred vision stems from the abnormal focus of the light rays on our retina.

The retina, its function is to translate the light rays into visual information, so that refracting light rays may not create a blurred image in our brain.

Improper refraction of light rays on our retina is called a "refractive error" or - impaired visual acuity and can cause a variety of vision problems, such as farsightedness or myopia or cylinder.

Blurred vision is the main symptom of myopia, but it may also indicate other problems, some of which require urgent medical attention.

Especially for you, we have summarized everything you need to know about blurred vision and its causes:

Blurred vision as a result of myopia

Myopia (or blasphemy) is a common visual impairment in the world, with one in 2-3 adults suffering from a visual impairment.

If you see close objects in high definition, but those far away from you look blurry - you may very well suffer from myopia.

Other signs of this may be strained vision, narrowing of the eyelids and the appearance of headaches.

Unfortunately myopia cannot be cured, but with proper treatment almost normal vision can be achieved.

A possible treatment for myopia is the use of lenses or eyeglasses, but often the visual acuity can be improved by laser eyeglass removal surgery.

Dr. Nir Sorkin of Assuta Optics explains that the analysis has a high chance of success - and it is extremely safe. "Our advanced technology at Assuta Optics makes it possible to achieve extremely high success data - with minimal risk.

Today, myopia is no longer a fate, "says Dr. Nir Sorkin.

According to some studies, people who read a lot are found to suffer from significantly more myopia compared to the rest of the population.

In addition, a study in Taiwan found that sunlight exposure improved with the eye development of children aged 7-10 and reduced myopia.

Blurred vision that does not result from myopia

Aside from myopia, there are a variety of reasons that can lead to blurred vision in one or both eyes.

Farsightedness and cylinder, but also prolonged sitting in front of the computer, migraines, stress, diabetes or a change in the number of glasses you need - all of these reasons can lead to blurred vision that will require a clarification meeting with a doctor and sometimes a lifestyle change or surgical solution.

In addition, chronic eye diseases can also lead to blurred vision.

These diseases are especially common in the elderly and include eye damage that develops due to diabetes, glaucoma, retinal degeneration in old age and more.

At the same time, all the situations mentioned are gradual, but a sudden and sharp blurring of vision may be a sign that you need urgent help.

A sudden decrease in visual acuity can result from serious problems such as herpes of the eye, retinal detachment, acute infection of the cornea, inflammation of the optic nerve and more.

In addition, sudden blurred vision may indicate a stroke or other neurological condition that necessitates urgent emergency care.

The general recommendation is to consult a doctor urgently whenever there is a sudden and sharp decrease in visual acuity.

Other conditions that can cause blurred vision

Blurred vision with contact lenses: If you use contact lenses and still suffer from blurred vision, the number of lenses may not be right for you.

In addition to blurred vision, mismatched contact lenses may cause dryness in the eyes.

Blurred vision during or after training: It is very difficult to diagnose such a condition without a test, but blurred vision during or after training may result from a migraine of the eyes.

The disease, which causes severe pain in the eyes, brings with it general visual disturbances that usually affect one eye.

In addition, there may be dead areas in the field of vision, vision of flashes or spots, a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids and eyes and often also blindness in one of the eyes.

In such a situation it is imperative to consult a doctor immediately.

Blurred vision in pregnancy: Some women experience blurring or decreased visual acuity during pregnancy.

Women who wear glasses report more significant vision loss during pregnancy, which persists even after childbirth.

In most cases, the condition returns to normal as it was before pregnancy, but it is highly recommended to be under medical supervision.

In conclusion, blurred vision is the most common visual impairment and in most cases, when the blurring appears only for distant objects and with the addition of headaches and effort in vision - the most common diagnosis will be myopia.

Although blurred vision is the most common symptom of myopia, it can also appear as a result of various causes and sometimes even indicate a neurological condition.

If you experience a gradual and prolonged decrease in visual acuity, there is no real cause for concern, but you should consult an eye exam and an ophthalmologist for a diagnosis and treatment of visual impairment.

However, in any case where you suffer from a sharp and sudden blurred vision in one or both eyes - consult a doctor immediately.

For, it may be a serious and even life-threatening condition.

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