The Limited Times

Opinion | Question of legitimacy Israel today

2/8/2022, 9:10:17 PM

When policymakers and consultants make moves dressed on a hollow infrastructure of lack of public legitimacy, a thousand firefighters will fail to put out social combustion

The events of the past two weeks paint a worrying picture: on the one hand, the teacher poll was published that if the election had taken place today, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's right would have received four seats and the Likud 35 seats. This is an unprecedented anomaly in Israeli politics. Because the police, according to the suspicion, used to steal information from the state witnesses in the Netanyahu affair.

Here are two scenarios.

It is possible that this year a war will break out on a powerful scale that we did not know existed.

Concerned Israeli citizens will gather ready to hear the Prime Minister seeking reassurance, as follows: “Dear Israeli citizens, we are required to act calmly.

I promise you faithfully ... ". This will not reassure the citizen who remembers Bennett's picture above the small square indicating" four seats. " From the mouth of a breach of promise artist.

Scenario Two: In a few years, the masses of Beit Yisrael will be on alert to find out from the judges' case regarding Netanyahu's cases.

If convicted, there is a chance that the court's decision will not receive public backing (as was the case in the Olmert case, for example).

The sequence of events over the past six years - the leaks, the relationship between the media and the prosecution, the pollution of the investigation, the stuttering statements of the prosecution witnesses and now the invasion of privacy - have raised a question mark over the moral validity of the decision.

Recall: Prof. Ruth Gavison edited that "Netanyahu has no chance of receiving a fair trial."

Indeed, judges are supposed to be indifferent to the question of public legitimacy;

This, however, acts as a powerful vector with dramatic consequences.

Here is an example: About 20 years ago, Aryeh Deri published the tape "I accuse", in which he connected the causal connection between the judges' decision in his case (for which he was convicted and spent time in prison) and the ethnic tension in Israel.

Unfortunately, Deri succeeded, and the public fell victim to manipulation (in the 1999 elections, Shas won 17 seats).

Here the situation is different, because while Shas supporters unite around the rabbinical nucleus of control, made up of people who deeply in their political culture disbelieve in democratic institutions, Netanyahu's supporters are more stately and democratic. However, they have a healthy intuition: , All in fact a big show.Why? Because the main elements stirring in the cauldron - the court, the prosecution and the press - are institutionally independent, but culturally mixed by virtue of the revolving door method: the lawyer, in his hat as a concerned citizen, sits for coffee with journalists, or members of the enveloping social milieu The Supreme Court justices are likely to read the same newspaper on weekends, and there is a situation where their sons and daughters study in the same faculty at the university, and may share a common activity at the family-legal clinic.

A backing for the idea of ​​relative homogeneity and family can be found in Naomi Levitsky's instructive book "The Supreme," and in the essays of jurist Manny Mautner.

The funny thing (and at the same time sad) is that the glue that connects the lawyer, the judge and the journalist is that everyone is anxious for the well-being of Israeli democracy, partly because of Netanyahu's presence in our lives.

Against this background, Netanyahu's supporters believe (and not without justice) that it is not the professional ethics behind the elite positions, but the common sociological-political-cultural background.

By the way, against the background of this recognition, there is a chance that Netanyahu will go "to the end", knowing that even if he is convicted - the prosecution will be remembered forever, and in the history test he will be eligible.

Go and learn: Public legitimacy - an element created in a long-term process - is the story.

When policymakers and strategic advisers concoct moves that are worn on a hollow infrastructure of public illegitimacy, they have not solved the problem, and a thousand firefighters will not be able to put out the social combustion.

Those who may rescue us from the situation are leaders and a responsible social elite, and these have a severe shortage.

Were we wrong?


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