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Opinion | Not on the form alone Israel today


Meretz's rise to power marks a clear trend: Behind the battle over the blood donation form, lies the dissolution of the family and the erasure of the identity of the people of Israel.

In October 2020, MK Yurai Lahav-Hertzano Mish Atid submitted a beautiful bill: "In any form given by a public body or by a private body offering a service to the public, there will be no reference to the parent's gender, but only to being a parent.

Replacing the use of the pronouns 'parent' and 'mother' (for their different inflections) with neutral pronouns of the type 'parent 1' and 'parent 2' ".

The bill was intercepted, but a political or social consensus never interested those who wanted to advance humanity with the help of kicks in the back.

"Mom" and "Dad" are an outdated social concept to Progress.

There are children of two fathers, two mothers, and sperm bank children, and surrogate children from India, and their feelings will be hurt not by the fact that one of their parents is missing, but by the "father" and "mother" columns in the form.

In Israel, there are less than 5,000 people registered as having been born to two fathers or two mothers.

But the fact that there is no widespread social need here, nor the fall of the law, did not prevent former Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn and Defense Minister Bnei Gantz from ordering a change of forms in their offices.

The urge to kick was too strong.

With the formation of the Bennett-Lapid government in June 2021, the advance forces were strengthened.

Marginal ideas were thrown into the mainstream.

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz was quick to announce a shortening of queues for sex reassignment surgeries, allowed surrogacy for men and added PrEP to the drug basket, an AIDS-preventing treatment that allows for sex without a condom.

The religious sat safely in opposition, and the boot was turned to educate the blood bank.

Israel needs 1,100 blood donations a day.

The MDA Blood Bank collects donations from IDF soldiers, large workplaces, meetings, pre-military preparatory schools, high schools and bulk vehicles.

One of the details to be filled in the donation form is the country of origin of the father and the mother.

This is not curiosity: certain blood types are more common in certain testimonies and this individual facilitates the search.

Although today the parents of 80% of the donors are natives of the country, the rest nonetheless provide relevant information.

It is possible that because of the advanced atmosphere in the new government, the MDA thought that nothing would happen if the father and mother were replaced by a form in "Parent 1" and "Parent 2."

MDA claims that the change was made in response to private inquiries. Either way, they erred in their assessment regarding the results of the change.

The "Desert as Eden" yeshiva in Mitzpe Ramon was established in 1992, has 350 students and four times a year they donate about 200 doses of blood to MDA. In October 2021, MDA vehicles arrived at the yeshiva, with a new form: Parent 2. The first day of fundraising went smoothly, but the heads of the yeshiva did not calmly accept the cancellation of the father and mother.

"We told MDA to return the next day with the old form," said Rabbi Udi Harel, R.M.

"They agreed, and then said they did not have such a form, and attributed the move to Minister Horowitz."

Harel and Dvir Salzman, head of blood donations at the yeshiva, held a zoom meeting with Prof. Eilat Shinar, VP of Blood Services at MDA.

"The form sets the norm," Harel said at the meeting.

"We educate in a yeshiva to donate for the common good, but we see the family as father and mother and do not intend to donate at the cost of erasing our values. Let us contribute according to our values. Israel".



But what to do with primitives who regularly donate thousands of servings a year?

That boy offered some rejected compromises, then offered to go back to the previous form, subject to the consent of the health committee.

Until then she asked to continue the donations.

Harel and Salzman refused and turned to other meetings, to MKs, the prime minister and the media.

However, 45 meetings still refused to continue donating unless the old form was returned to use.

Hospitals soon reported a shortage of blood and public condemnation was directed against the petty donors.

While MDA claims that the shortage is temporary, a result of the weather and the omicron wave, the Knesset Health Committee warned this week of a shortage that has not been the same for 40 years.

Health Minister Horowitz attacked: "No sector in Israel owns the blood bank and the rules are updated on the recommendation of an advisory team and under the direction of the Ministry of Health. MDA also updates the language in its forms so that they are appropriate.

In the past, in order to find blood that is suitable for rare diseases, it was necessary for the parents' country of origin, and today it is no longer relevant.

The decision to hang on to justify a boycott is dark and foolish. "

Horowitz's remarks confirm the justification for the yeshivot's struggle to change the form: not omitting an outdated and marginal clause, but an act of forcing values.

Battle for ownership.

A war on darkness and stupidity.

If MDA and the Ministry of Health had decided, it was said three years ago, that the parents' section would be unnecessary and omit it - no one would raise an eyebrow. But Meretz's rise to power marks a clear trend. Allow anyone who wants to remove their parents' name from the ID card as well. Why? "People who have experienced sexual abuse, physical violence, abandonment and any harm from a parent may have great difficulty while being required to present an ID card.

"The importance of specifying a parent's name for identification purposes is marginal in the face of the mental anguish caused to identity card holders who are forced to bear their parents' names when they are not interested."

The campaign for the dissolution of the family always hides behind a desire to alleviate the suffering of a weak minority, but its purpose is to abolish the norm.

This is neither a gesture of compassion nor medical judgment.

Meretz and its partners operate on this front as they operate on more "political" issues.

The goal is to erase the identity of the people of Israel.

Whether in opposition to the Nationality Law, the Citizenship Law or the outline of the Western Wall.

No concern for the weak leads to progress.

This is just the costume.

And since the advance forces are ready to fight for every column on the form, for every section on the ID card - they will not be surprised if the forces of darkness return war. 

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-02-10

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