The Limited Times

Opinion The irresponsibility of the speakers in the squares Israel today

3/1/2023, 6:46:17 AM

None of them will be required to provide fingerprints because a roadblock, will not be photographed at the police station as the last of the suspects, will not bear any responsibility. They leave that to the public, transparent and anonymous

Naturally, and as an inevitable development, last week there was an increase in the number of arrests made by the police as part of protest actions against the legal reform.

Most of the arrested and detained are unknown, and will remain so, despite the publicized encounter with the law.

They were arrested because they blocked elected officials from leaving their homes, blocked roads, vandalized property and lit fires.

Two of them are even suspected of having bitten policemen.

While those transparent citizens are being led down the unpleasant path of the Israeli criminal system and are paying the full price - far less unknown and far more irresponsible personalities have continued to inflame the spirits, and motivate more and more citizens to break the law, rebel and run amok, when they know and even trust that their leaders The check and its carrier will charge zero price.

These are people like former Prime Ministers Barak and Olmert, retired Generals Ya'alon and Halutz, Tel Aviv Mayor Huldai and opposition leader Lapid, who for weeks have been prominent and excelling in sending others to get their hands dirty and clash with the law in the streets, squares and roads, but cannot find the time or the The decency at least to join the manifestations of anarchy they encourage, with a wink or directly.

The fuel for the fire is spread by the members of the list I mentioned here, and others too - but in a dim way.

They will not call for a massive storming of the Knesset, for setting fire to the Tax Authority building, for disrupting the operation of hospitals, for shutting down the operation of trains and for besieging the houses of MKs or ministers. They will content themselves with calling for civil uprisings, pondering the bloodshed that happened in other places in the past, and wondering if the time has come To collapse the Israeli economy - using other people's money.

Some of them will even scatter hints about similar characteristics between the Third Reich and the Jewish state, and with Nazis you don't need to explain how to behave - we all know that.

Olmert will calmly announce in front of a camera that the time has come for a "face-to-face battle, head to head and hand to hand";

Barak will call under every fresh microphone for non-violent civil uprisings;

Huldai will mention in a statement full of ignorance that "dictatorships only become democratic again with bloodshed";

Ya'alon will call on the heads of the security establishment to act against the government in the event of a constitutional crisis, and will tweet that the government is an "existential threat";

And the former chief of staff, Halutz, will go on talking about refusing an order and fighting against parasites.

But none of them will be required to provide fingerprints because a roadblock, will not be photographed at the police station as the last of the suspects, will not be prosecuted or bear any responsibility.

They leave that to others, transparent and anonymous.

Barak will return to playing the piano pleasantly in his apartment when others will stop;

Ya'alon, Halutz and Huldai will sleep in their heated room while their messengers freeze in musty detention rooms.

They are Don Quixote by remote control, and the protesters are Sancho Panza who will be thrown into the back of the van.

They will not block a road, will not light a fire, will not be led anywhere in handcuffs.

They are interested in a sterile rebellion, in which they attack and others sacrifice.

Because they are everything - except leaders.

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