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Opinion The nucleus is already here Israel today


Should we wait until Iran declares itself a nuclear state and perhaps even conducts a nuclear test, or should the red line even be the actual production of a nuclear bomb

The writing has been written on the wall for some time - Iran is making giant strides towards the nuclear and there is no one to stop it.

Back in 2021, the Iranians began to enrich their uranium to the level of 60%, and even then the International Atomic Energy Agency warned that this brings Tehran closer to achieving nuclear capability, since the transition from the 60% enrichment to the 90% enrichment required for the production of nuclear weapons is a technical matter that all that is required For him it is a decision of Iran's leaders, and nothing more.

But the world has been silent, and there are even those who look up to Iran, and according to Defense Minister Yoav Galant, no less than 50 countries around the world carry and allow Iran to buy advanced weapons produced by it.

Nevertheless, the report according to which the inspectors of the Atomic Energy Agency recently discovered in Iran uranium enriched to the level of 84% - a distance of only 6% from the level it needs for the development of nuclear weapons, this report is surprising and disturbing, because it testifies not only to the Iranian capabilities - and these have been known for a long time - except for the fact that the country's leaders are not afraid to rush forward, nor do they estimate that anyone will stand in their way.

The international community, which does not align with Tehran, reacted to the report predictably with indifference.

This was contributed to by the explanations of the experts that it is possible that Iran did not intend to increase the level of enrichment, and that this is a kind of technical fault in the system that connects together the centrifuges in Iran's nuclear reactors.

But it seems that the world is more disturbed by the brutal suppression of the hijab protest in Iran and even more so by the sale of Iranian drones to Russia than by the possibility that Iran will soon become a nuclear power.

One can hope that Iran will not rush to produce a nuclear bomb.

The Iranians have no need for one bomb in the hand, but they can make do with one on the tree.

Namely, in obtaining the ability to produce a bomb without actually producing it.

This is enough to create a balance of deterrence and terror towards Israel, and to obtain a free hand to promote subversion and terrorism produced by Iran throughout the Middle East.

It seems therefore that the question is no longer whether Iran will reach the goal of obtaining a nuclear capability - to that the answer is positive - but what should be done in the face of such a reality.

Should we wait until Iran declares itself a nuclear state, and perhaps even conducts a nuclear test, or should the red line be the actual production of a nuclear bomb and perhaps even the development of weapons designed to carry it, which of course postpones the doomsday by many months.

It must be admitted that in contrast to the fervor and determination that Israel displays in its handling of the Iranian issue, Washington shows hesitancy and dragging its feet in the face of the challenges it is currently facing in Eastern Europe vis-a-vis Russia and in the Far East vis-a-vis China.

This is how Israel finds itself alone in the face of the challenge.

Over the past few years, the Israeli leadership has not stopped stockpiling Iran, but threats that have no right behind them have lost their validity and credibility.

It must also be assumed that the Iranians read the reports in the Israeli media, according to which about a decade ago Netanyahu and Barak, then the prime minister and the defense minister, sought to act against Iran.

But they were blocked by the security establishment, which claimed that Israel had no ability to act effectively in Iran, and in any case, the time had not come for that.

Therefore, if Israel does indeed have the ability to deal with the Iranian challenge today, it will have to act soon - to put the loaded gun on the table as a threatening hint to Tehran, or even to use it.

But if all Israel has to offer are empty threats, then it is appropriate to prepare for the day after the Iranian nuke and create an effective deterrence balance against Tehran based on Israel's strength and military capabilities.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-02-26

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