The Limited Times

Arrested a Vox supporter in Terrassa for threatening a neighbor with a knife next to a party electoral tent

7/20/2023, 12:30:49 PM

Highlights: The victim shouted "fascists" to the members of the formation who campaigned and was threatened by the detainee, who is not "militant" according to Vox. The events date back to noon this Thursday, at the confluence of the Rambla d'Ègara with Iscle Soler street in the city of Barcelona. There, supporters and militants of the ultra Vox party asked for the vote for the general elections next Sunday to the neighbors who walked along the RamBLa.

The victim shouted "fascists" to the members of the formation who campaigned and was threatened by the detainee, who is not "militant" according to Vox

The Municipal Police of Terrassa has arrested, on Thursday morning, a man who was next to a Vox tent in Terrassa who is accused of threatening with a knife another individual who had shouted "fascists". The events date back to noon this Thursday, at the confluence of the Rambla d'Ègara with Iscle Soler street in the city of Barcelona. There, supporters and militants of the ultra Vox party asked for the vote for the general elections next Sunday to the neighbors who walked along the Rambla.

As highlighted to EL PAÍS Marc Ferrer, spokesman for the self-styled Unit against fascism and racism of Terrassa (UCFR), a neighbor of those who walked next to the tent has insulted the members of the ultra group shouting: "Fascists out". "At that moment a man who was next to the tent has taken out a knife and has threatened and tried to nail, on several occasions, the gun to the neighbor who had shouted at him," denounces Ferrer.

While dodging the knife, a municipal police vehicle passed through the Rambla d'Ègara and arrested the aggressor. The individual has been transferred to the municipal offices accused of a crime of threats with a knife and the assaulted has filed a complaint against the Vox sympathizer. The UCFR has called this afternoon a protest in front of the City Council of Terrassa to denounce the aggression.

Vox wanted to explain, in a statement, that the aggressor is not "militant" of the ultra formation. "From the party we regret the brawl that has occurred many meters from the tent that the group had installed in the municipality and we do not know the reasons for it," says the formation. "Vox regrets the use of this unpleasant event that is selfishly exploited to pour lies about our political formation," the document highlights. The party takes advantage of the statement to denounce the "unsustainable insecurity suffered by Terrassa and other municipalities and neighborhoods of Catalonia", a statement that does not accompany any data.

Garriga comes down from the stage in the middle of a Vox rally in Badalona to face a group of protesters with LGTBIQ+ flags

— Cadena SER (@La_SER) July 16, 2023

Last Sunday the secretary general of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, interrupted a rally in Badalona and went accompanied by several bodyguards to a group of people protesting with senyeras and Lgtbi + flags. Garriga violently confronted a group of demonstrators always accompanied by his bodyguards and between the attempts of the Mossos d'Esquadra to calm the situation.

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