The Limited Times

Opinion | Every Day That Passes | Israel Hayom

10/19/2023, 9:46:25 PM

Highlights: Last week in this column, Israel was diagnosed as a battered woman, and Hamas who murdered her children as a violent and cruel husband. Israel's WhatsApp beeped, and a message from the lawyer flashed: "Honey, the stepfather who spoiled you just passed Babbit to your children's murderer, and set up coffee with your former Holocaustier" "Time is running out for Israel to turn this equation into an art that will play against us," writes Rachel Ben-Ghiat.

The battered woman Israel turned on the TV and was shocked: 10 days after the massacre, the leadership is anxious to prove that we did not bomb the hospital in Gaza, which hides ammunition, and Channel 12 News boasts that we prevented "a PR mega-attack, but wait, why didn't we bomb?

Last week in this column, Israel was diagnosed as a battered woman, and Hamas who murdered her children as a violent and cruel husband. I quoted excerpts from an alleged dialogue between Israel, whose self-image and judgment have been destroyed by years of decline, and the lawyer hired to build a strategy to restore faith in herself and the strength and physical means she needs to rehabilitate. After a few days of mourning, this week:

Sugar Biden

Battered Israel got up for a moment to go to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and thought to herself, "That torn mourning shirt accentuates the collarbones and it's just beautiful to me."

President Biden: "The United States stands with you - the people of Israel are alive!" // Reuters

Two days after promising herself and the children who survived the inferno that she would never be the rag she was until now, and that destructive relationships with men are a thing of the past, she received a text message from her stepfather announcing a quick visit, and froze. It is enough for her to see his name on the screen for her childhood feelings to surface. She turned on television, for the first time since the disaster.

To her astonishment, the discussions in the news revolved mainly around her private grief. Presenters were caught up in graphic descriptions and analyzed her tragic past, and experts avoided discussing her rehabilitation methods, avoiding painting the world that could exist if she only changed the defeatist patterns she had taken so far.

In its highly developed subconscious, Israel understood two things:

1. That the local and global media also think that she is beautiful to cry and that her mourning clothes emphasize her toning; and 2. That if her father comes from America, she must restrain her independent statements. She can't really say what she wants when the father is there, because even though Hamas just murdered the older children, he is still her ex, and the estranged father likes to be portrayed as a peacemaker who maintains good relations with the whole family, even in difficult crises. The father himself, by the way, is tortured but a militarist who does things she never even dreams of talking about. It is said that once his army entered a wedding in Iraq and sprayed the entire side of the bride just because he heard gunshots. He didn't understand, poor American, that this is how they celebrate there. Show shooting.

Burnt bikes in Bari. The bodies were evacuated but the smell remained, Photo: Hanan Greenwood

Weak in cultural codes, strong in crude invasion of other people's homes to show that he is in control. There is an age when it is difficult to learn from past mistakes, especially when you base your reputation on them. Especially when you're rich.

The battered woman has a pretty good earning capacity, by the way, and a lot of brains. Despite the eternal sense of victimhood, she is popular around the world and has a reputation as a smart and successful girl, who built herself from ashes with ten fingers, who knows how to invent patents and whose army is strong and brilliant. But the addiction to American allowances and the illusion that she is the preferred daughter bring her down time and time again, just before she spreads her wings to a new tomorrow.

He arrives, she gives him the PIN code for the PC, and everything mixes up. Even a battered woman, even without a supportive back, Israel feels that this is too much for her. On the other hand, she will continue to be a victim if she continues to cling to the hem of Abush's robe. Israel's WhatsApp beeped, and a message from the lawyer flashed: "Honey, the stepfather who spoiled you just passed Babbit to your children's murderer, and set up coffee with your former Holocaust denier. The writing is smeared on the wall, and you know what color."

So what do you do in life, besides being president? Rachel hosts Joe, Photo: AFP

How much does a Jewish head cost

Time is money, everyone knows, but it seems that Netanyahu has decided to turn this equation into an art that will play against us. Instead of taking advantage of the rare momentum with which world opinion favors us, he is waiting for the balloon full of legitimacy and sympathy for Israel to empty. He emptied it even more this week by giving Biden a Cabinet ticket instead of saying, "Mr. President, we love you, but how does that advance the release of hostages?" Or: Mr. President, billions in humanitarian aid to Gaza have become weapons against Jews. If you give them assistance, we will not be able to host you here. Or: Mr. President, you will not be able to embrace Rachel from Ofakim and then Abu Mazen, who has already effectively denied two Holocausts. We decided to stop containing lies.

But Netanyahu flows with the old pattern, talk of unity and the eradication of the enemy separately, and turning a blind eye to cultivating a murderous entity separately, while in the middle tense soldiers and a nail-biting home front hears how the media is beginning to normalize the Holocaust that took place in the south and threatens from the north.

Netanyahu meets with Golani soldiers near Gaza, Photo: Avi Ohayon

"Shut our mouths for 20 years with tax breaks and security rooms," Or Zuk said in the Channel 12 News studio the night before burying her parents, "and now you're talking about a humanitarian corridor? My parents were murdered on Saturday morning, because they were Jews. You probably didn't understand, a Holocaust took place in the south." Right. This is a Holocaust. But for the time being, there is no complete desire to attack, to win, to decide what is right. prefer to "manage the conflict", go on a "round", deny reality with iron domes instead of fighting terrorism; To waste the volunteer spirit of the citizens and the historic hour we find ourselves in, and perhaps also to belittle the victims and allow humanitarian corridors because who knows what those who don't really care about us will say about us anyway.

Every day that passes discourages the hostages, every day that passes forgets the Holocaust of the South from the world, every day that passes normalizes our lack of response in the Israeli public, every day that passes makes us shocked by a possible attack on a hospital in Gaza. Everyone knows that under the hospitals in Gaza there are basements of armed forces. We had to bomb them on 8 October. If ten days after the massacre in the south in our news studio, we talk about how to make it clear to the world that it was not us who bombed there, and boast that "we framed it excellently" and "prevented a propaganda mega-attack" in videos in which we clarified in Arabic that the mistake was Hamas's, Gaza understands that it is worthwhile to prepare the next round of the Holocaust. In simple arithmetic, Biden pays them NIS 264,<> for a Jewish head. Not yet at Dizengoff Square.

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