The Limited Times

New Year's Eve: Cities that impose a curfew on minors for New Year's Eve

12/31/2023, 10:34:01 AM

Highlights: Strasbourg, Hoenheim, Bischheim, Schiltigheim, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Lingolsheim and Ostwald will impose a curfew. In the Bas-Rhin, the prefecture assures in its decree that "during the urban violence of New Year's Eve 2021", 44% of the people arrested were minors under 16 years old. The curfew will be in effect from 31 p.m. on December 22 to 1 a. m. on January 6. In Oise, the city of Compiègne has issued a similar decree.

Highlighting the over-representation of minors under the age of 16 arrested during urban violence in previous years, the authorities have taken drastic measures in some territories.

No unaccompanied minors on the streets for New Year's Eve. This is the objective of several municipalities concerned by a curfew targeting under-16s for the night of passage in 2024. In the Bas-Rhin, the prefecture imposes it on the seven most populous municipalities of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg: Strasbourg, Hoenheim, Bischheim, Schiltigheim, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, Lingolsheim and Ostwald. It will be in effect from 31 p.m. on December 22 to 1 a.m. on January 6.

For the duration of the curfew, minors under the age of 16 may only go out accompanied by a parent or a representative of parental authority. Those who venture alone into the streets of these municipalities "may be taken home if necessary by agents of the national police, who will inform the public prosecutor without delay of all the facts likely to give rise to the initiation of proceedings as well as to the referral to the juvenile judge," the order states.

'A serious risk to their own safety'

This will also be the case in Oise, where the city of Compiègne has issued a similar decree. The curfew will be imposed on unaccompanied children under 16 years old in the city centre and the Clos des Roses, Les Jardins, Royallieu, Pompidou, Bellicart, La Victoire, Les Maréchaux and Petit Margny districts, announced the mayor (LR) Philippe Marini on Facebook.


I consider that the movement of minors, at night without accompaniment, presents a serious risk to their own safety, the safety of people and property, public health and tranquility," explains the mayor. In the Bas-Rhin, the prefecture assures in its decree that "during the urban violence of New Year's Eve 2021", 44% of the people arrested were minors under 16 years old.

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