The Limited Times

New Year's Eve in Paris: on the Champs-Élysées, a New Year's Eve that looks like a safety test before the Olympics

12/31/2023, 9:33:20 PM

Highlights: At least 1 million people are expected to participate in the party on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. In a context of very high terrorist threat, the Ministry of the Interior has greatly expanded the security perimeter. The system is similar to the SILT perimeter (resulting from the Internal Security and Fight against Terrorism Act) which will be deployed during next summer's Olympic Games. Inside the secure perimeter, which was made pedestrian until the end of the festivities, the sale of alcohol and the possession of weapons were prohibited.

In a context of very high terrorist threat, a large security apparatus has been deployed in the vicinity of the avenue where 1 million

An exceptional evening requires exceptional security. A few hours before the start of the new year 2024, and while at least 1 million people are expected to participate in the party on the Champs-Élysées in Paris (6000th), <> police forces were deployed in the capital on Sunday evening. In a context of very high terrorist threat, the Ministry of the Interior has greatly expanded the security perimeter and set up a strict filtering system, with "systematic searches" in each artery leading to the avenue.

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This system is similar to the SILT perimeter (resulting from the Internal Security and Fight against Terrorism Act) which will be deployed during next summer's Olympic Games. Inside the secure perimeter, which was made pedestrian until the end of the festivities, the sale of alcohol and the possession of weapons by destination were prohibited. Throughout the evening, police patrols walk from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe to intervene quickly in the event of an overflow.

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