The Limited Times

Opinion | Retaining the Right to Silence | Israel today

2/17/2022, 9:08:17 PM

Israel has nothing to look for in a crisis in Ukraine, but there are certainly some options at the level of international morality.

As in Sheikh Jarrah, as in the Negev, in the international arena as well, Israel is afraid to make a sound or move.

Solidarity with Ukraine?

Just do not upset anyone

Israel has nothing to look for in a crisis in Ukraine, but there are certainly some options at the level of international morality, and there is such a thing, that were open to us.

Israel, of course, went the most shameful way - the main thing is to feel safe from Vladimir Putin's anger.

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zlansky, was once a comedian, before running for president.

He deserves at least an Oscar for his conduct and behavior during the crisis.

Somehow the Iron Dome battery affair, which Israel ultimately decided to prevent from Ukraine, joins a mask of a government that almost unconditionally succumbs to all blackmail.

Starting with the blackmail announcement by the PM, which demands tax relief for the entire Bedouin diaspora - especially the illegal settlement in the Negev - and ending with fear of what Putin would do to us if we dared to sell Ukraine some batteries. And we did not forget Sheikh Jarrah. , And Prime Minister Naftali Bennett prefers to attack Itamar Ben Gvir first.

Situation room at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Photo: Yogev Cohen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

If Israel is so worried about the fate of Israelis in Ukraine, the right way would have been to carry out a quiet evacuation, without making a fuss.

But Israel has chosen a different path.

Twice a day, Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid issue urgent calls echoing American messages.

Get out, get out, get out!

So one could drive a low profile if one chooses to stay away from the whole Ukrainian crisis and pretend that Israel is statistically in the international arena, and has nothing to say when a country, even if not very nice, faces a powerful attack.

Do not talk - evacuate.

Israel operated as a branch of the White House or a branch of the State Department.

A second option was to find a way to express some solidarity with Ukraine and to convey a moderate message against the conduct of the Russians.

The Russian move is mainly reminiscent of the invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. The brave Israel of the days of Eshkol, Dayan and Golda had no problem expressing solidarity with Czechoslovakia, even if it was mainly popular support for the style of Arik Einstein's wonderful song composed by Shalom Hanoch "Prague".

Maybe that's the problem.

Kiev is not exactly as heart-wrenching as Prague, and in '68 they also remembered Munich in '38.

Prime Minister Bennett calls on Israelis from Ukraine to return to Israel, Photo: Haim Tzach / GPO

In 1970 and 1973, Israel fought face-to-face with Soviet Russia.

Plane versus plane, plane versus missile, and also consulting officers on the battlefield.

In 2022, although we need coordination with Russia, Israel's behavior regarding the Iron Dome is like that of a shellfish under protection.

Like in the Galilee.

Like in the Negev.

As in Sheikh Jarrah.

Of course, we are also afraid of what they will say in America.

By the way, the same USA that shouted "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!

War breaks out tomorrow! ", Especially in the last week, she just forgot to say what time it will happen.

It was the United States that warned Israel during the Arab siege in 1967: do not move, if you act alone, you will be left alone. And in October 1973, they disguised themselves as unseen. This is not a war! But this is the price paid by a state controlled by the man who was called the man who defeated Netanyahu a second time, Ehud Barak.

An existential threat?


On both Ukraine and Iran, Israel is captive to the soft power policy of the Biden government.

The question is what are the real aspirations of our enemies.

The distorted government that controls Israel is unable to hold the ball.

As in the case of the corona and the economy, so in the case of Iran.

If it's not in the headlines it does not exist.

But Israel has disappeared or has disappeared in the Iranian matter and has ceased to be a factor in the considerations of the Americans and to a large extent also in the considerations of Iran itself.

Participants in the nuclear talks in Vienna, Photo: Reuters

In the United States, there is strong opposition to the Biden administration's move on the Iranian nuclear deal. Senator Lindsay Graham, who visited Israel this week, expresses it. Former Benjamin Netanyahu is the man who controls the issue more than anyone else.

This is not a general critique of inaction, but of specific measures to curb Iran.

Senior Israeli security officials demonstrate their official approach by frequent, "historic" visits to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, as Prime Minister Naftali Bennett did this week and as President Yitzhak Herzog and Defense Minister Bnei Gantz did before him. effective.

On both Ukraine and Iran, Israel is captive to the soft power policy of the Biden government.

But both Putin and Iran are teaching the West, and especially the United States, a repeat lesson in the use of real force for a threat or an execution. A well-publicized Republican conference in Hungary at the end of the month to express open and strong support for the Hungarian Prime Minister Urban.

Iranian President and Foreign Minister Zarif at Iran's nuclear facility, Photo: AFP

Since Israel's face in the political world is largely that of Netanyahu, they and the Hungarians asked him to appear as a keynote speaker at the conference.

Netanyahu refused, in order to avoid the appearance of interfering in the forthcoming elections, and in order not to appear too identified with the Republicans.

Israel's top security officials continue to recite the mantra that there is no existential threat to Israel.

But it seems more and more that our enemies - the Islamist terrorist organizations, the Islamist political movements within Israel and the coalition, and above all Iran - are not striving for the physical destruction of Israel.

I once heard from a senior officer in the General Staff what an existential threat is: now it exists, after the realization of the threat - it does not exist. That is, physical destruction.

This is a superficial perception, not to mention unwise.

Before our eyes is a great country, Ukraine, which exists today and tomorrow - at some time in the future - one can find techniques of using force that will not exist.

But Kiev and tens of millions of residents will continue to breathe.

What if our enemies prefer to freeze us in a state of sponsorship payers?

Like a merchant or a kibbutz or a company owner in the north, who maintains his physical existence through the threatening partner from the Western Galilee to whom he pays huge sums of his income.

Wait for a theory that will give legitimacy to extortion and robbery as an unfortunate necessity of distributive justice.

Special investigation, no less

The pressure exerted on the establishment of a light committee can serve as an example for those who really want to investigate the wiretapping affair.

This is the president's place to intervene.

This is the first time I agree with MK Musi Raz. Not just anything, but a decisive action on which there is agreement between him and MK Shlomo Qarai from the Likud.

Their suggestion for the treatment and investigation of the wiretapping affair is the most correct.

The Knesset must find a way to appoint a committee or a special investigator, who will have all the legal powers to file indictments.

The establishment of the investigating body can be compared to the establishment of the commission of inquiry headed by Theodore Orr.

Although the majority of the public opposed the establishment, it turns out that even then the pressure they knew to exert Israeli Arabs was more effective than the right - or the majority of the Jewish public in Israel - could create.

But there was one more variable, and Ehud Barak must remember that.

NSO offices, Photo: Reuters

There is a certain direction in Israel where it is easier to push heavy loads.

Barak did not want the Or committee, but was then Minister of Justice, Yossi Beilin, and he made sure that the committee was established, in contrast to the current Minister Gideon Saar.

Even when Barak tried to appoint Yitzhak Brick as the investigator of the Harpaz-Ashkenazi affair, it did not succeed.

On the other hand, when "public pressure" was exerted on several dozen perpetrators of riots - in addition to well-known media pressure, and pressure from the defense establishment - indictments were filed against Netanyahu.

It is recommended that you read Eldad Yaniv's testimony from a week ago in Haaretz.

It was fascinating this week to read how Haaretz announces that the Pegasus affair is fading, and devotes an entire page to an article that attempts to discredit Calcalist's investigation.

Still, it is not uncommon for an Israeli court to stand following a newspaper publication - a publication that seems credible enough after being used by defense attorneys in the famous cases against Netanyahu to demand a response from judges.

What made Ayelet Shaked say "Stasi"?

What made Roni Alshikh say in an interview with Amir Rapaport "I will explain: let's say that in order to reveal now what a criminal organization wants to do, I run a sign on the criminal organization. Targeted evidence. "

After I interrogate them, Alsheikh concludes, I transfer the case to court. This is an offensive perception of enemy targets and the question of what "Signet" means. A legal that covered not only clouds of information but clouds of people.

Only a resolute demand by President Herzog to investigate the actions of the police, the prosecutor's office and the courts regarding the extraction of information, wiretapping and telephone hacking, will result in the establishment of an investigative body or at least a state commission of inquiry.

By the power of the hammer

The Communists were able to perfect art and protest performances to new degrees of incitement, even if it meant trampling on the other's feelings with a rough footing.

At the beginning of the week, Hanna Pnina Feiler, one of the most respected communists in Israel, was laid to rest.

About a week before her death, a huge interview was published in Haaretz with her son, Dror Feiler, who is considered a prominent artist and musician in Sweden.

He became famous in a performance of the terrorist who blew herself up at a restaurant in Haifa.

The performance included a pool of blood, and the then Israeli ambassador to Stockholm, Zvi Mazal, cut off the electricity that apparently illuminated something in the work.

Defense Minister Ganz and Bahraini Defense Minister, Photo: Ariel Hermoni, Ministry of Defense

Pnina Feiler, as part of the pension rights of anti-Israel communists, also won an important documentary film directed by Dalia Mevorach and Danny Dotan (2010).

Something of the glorious Stalinist tradition of the films of Leah Tzemel and Dov Hanin.

Members of the Stalinist tradition in Israel, such as Dror Feiler, appear under the guise of fighters of justice, protest and rebellion.

In 1969, "This World" reported a sacred act of vandalism by members of Gan Shmuel, who desecrated a memorial monument in a high school in Hadera.

"When we did the painting, the specifications were unfinished and there were no names or anything like that," said the two members of the kibbutz, one of whom is now a great educator.

"... one thing is clear: too many people went to die in the name of 'all the holy,'" they said, and his way to the people of Hadera for all the holy to them - two years after the six days.

Senior Israeli security officials demonstrate their official approach by frequent, "historic" visits to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

There is a concern that well-publicized presence demonstrations cover up ineffective inaction

But their friends thought that if they stepped - then also on all that is holy to the members of Gan Shmuel themselves.

On the occasion of May 1, they prepared a huge poster with the words: "Contempt for imperialist wars - we shit on the grave of the unknown soldier" (quote by Jorge Sampron).

George Orwell had something to say about this tyrannical arrogance: "The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and erase their understanding of their history. If you want to see the picture of the future, imagine a boot step over a human being - forever and ever."

Were we wrong?


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