The Limited Times

Opinion | The Dilemma of Death, the Sanctification of Life Israel today

4/4/2022, 8:49:55 PM

Like Alan Delon, people who travel to Switzerland to die want to be remembered proudly • They want to say goodbye to the world while thanking for what has been, and not being afraid of what will be

Alan Delon is not just a film actor.

First and foremost, Delon is a brand: the most beautiful and charming French actor, a man who has had relationships with the most beautiful women in the world, a singer and model and a businessman whose name is known all over the world.

This week he announced that he chooses to end his life.

At the age of 86, after suffering a stroke and suffering from an incurable disease, the brand that symbolizes more than any tumultuous and interesting and dramatic life, chooses to die.

Delon will take his last breaths in Switzerland.

In France, as in Israel and other countries, euthanasia is not enshrined in law.

A person has no legal right to choose - neither when will he end his life nor how.

To die with dignity, when you are still able to say goodbye to your loved ones while you recognize them and they recognize you, you have to travel abroad, death becomes more complicated and expensive.

Delon, like many others who have done the process, has made a decision: the life he can currently live is not worth continuing.

Any delay means more suffering and coping that he is not interested in experiencing.

After all, death lurks for all of us anyway, from the moment we are born our destiny is doomed, so why delay the end artificially that causes suffering to both man and his relatives?

After all, these are not, and in many other cases, people who have no discretion.

Delon, like Israeli theater director Roni Pinkovich and broadcaster Adi Talmore, who also chose to end their lives in Switzerland, is not helpless or unwise.

They are all, without exception, conscious people who understood their situation well and knew there was no way it was going to get better.

They were able to look ahead and see what was expected of them and say, with a full mouth, that this was not the end they wanted.

Modern medicine is a life-prolonging medicine, there are lots of means to keep a person breathing.

But does she have the same means to keep a breathing person happy?

Can it assure a person that the last memory of his family members from him will be a smile and a hug and a kind word?

People who travel to Switzerland to die want to be remembered proudly.

They want to say goodbye to the world while thanking for what has been, and not being afraid of what will be.

They do it out of strength, not out of weakness.

Anyone who thinks that this is a violation of the sanctity of life is wrong and misleading, it is precisely their sanctification: the person who chooses to end his life sanctifies them because the choice is made out of judgment, and thinking, and understanding and knowledge - the most important values, our essence as human beings.

When people commit suicide they do so many times when they are in a state of depression.

Their judgment is impaired, and commands us to try to help them recover so that they can look at reality from a different perspective.

But when a terminally ill person looks at himself and his future and what he and the people dear to his heart are about to go through, it's a completely different story.

Then the decision to end your life comes from clarity, not from ambiguity.

"I hope that the players of the future will see me as an example in my daily life, between victories and defeats," Alan Delon wrote in a statement to the media.

To die as Chadlon chose is exactly the gap between defeat and victory.

Were we wrong?


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