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Opinion | The first real and significant step in the war on the cost of living Israel today


Israel is in the midst of a wave of rising prices that has not missed apartment prices, electricity tariffs and fruit and vegetable prices • The reduction in the tax on fuel means a signal to the public that the Treasury is not indifferent to recent developments

Finance Minister Lieberman's decision to lower fuel prices is garnering compliments from floor to floor.

Unlike previous gospels that encountered mixed reactions and criticism, this time - a complete consensus.

From the businessman Rami Levy through the independent representative Roi Cohen to the movement for the quality of government - everyone praises the move and there are good reasons for it.

Following the war in Eastern Europe and the jump in the price of oil, fuel has risen by more than one weight since the beginning of the year to a peak of 8 years - NIS 7.44 per liter.

Lieberman's move effectively eliminates the increase that has taken place in the past month and brings the price of fuel back below 7 shekels.

This means signaling to the public that the Treasury is not indifferent to recent developments and trying to contribute its share in the war on the wave of rising prices.

This, after many criticisms were leveled at Lieberman and the Bennett-led government, according to which the government only raises taxes - the one-time tax, the sugary drinks tax, the congestion tax and more.

The move is the clear proof that when the government has budgetary resources, it also knows how to give back to the public, and it is important that this will continue to be the case in the future.

Fortunately, the economic situation allows this.

During the first three months of the year, the state recorded impressive tax revenues, of course, led by the Israeli growth locomotive - the high-tech industry.

Oil prices, which have stabilized slightly in recent times, have also given impetus to the move and allowed the Treasury to make such an unexpected decision - to waive state revenues from taxes amounting to NIS 800 million per quarter.

Minister of Finance in dramatic announcement: Fuel tax will be reduced // Photo: Ministry of Finance spokeswoman

The decision was apparently made in recent days, when it was preceded by several media reports that the Bank of Israel supports a gradual reduction of excise tax while raising the congestion tax.

Apart from the Minister of Finance, only three people knew about the move - the director general of the Ministry of Finance and Lieberman's right-hand man - Ram Blinkov, the director of the Tax Authority, Eran Yaakov, and the head of the budget department, Yogev Gardos. The Ministry of Finance would oppose and seek to change it.

One way or another, the decision was made and is a real and significant first step in the government's war on the cost of living.

Lieberman is well aware that he had to take such a step to prevent the growing public dissatisfaction with the cost of living.

After all, not only has fuel prices risen recently, but Israel is in the midst of a wave of rising prices that has not missed apartment prices, electricity tariffs, fruit and vegetable prices, pastries and the list goes on.

We will also mention that a few months ago some of the largest food companies in the economy announced price increases and following the pressure exerted by Ministers Lieberman and Barbibai and especially public pressure, some announced a freeze on prices until after Passover.

So it is likely that immediately after the end of the holiday we will again talk about the rise in price of pasta and snacks.

In addition to all this, the Bank of Israel is expected to announce soon (in a few more days or next month) an increase in interest rates in the economy - something that will increase the mortgage repayments and loan repayments of many households.

In view of all this, Lieberman's move was necessary to moderate the price tide even slightly, and there is still a long way to go - to address milk prices, which are expected to rise by 6.5%, correct the minimum wage set in the "package deal", and continue to lower taxes. On the fuel that is today considered and the highest in the world.

Were we wrong?


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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2022-04-05

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