The Limited Times

Opinion | Retires Who Retired Last | Israel today

4/24/2022, 8:09:39 PM

A thousand official decisions of the Knesset committee that Shikli is retiring, will not change the public opinion that Shemina is the retiree to which the legislature is directed, while the trustee is Shikli

The Minister of History summoned us for a symbolic coincidence.

The hearing on Yemina's request to declare MK Amichai Shikli a retiree is scheduled for today, April 25.

Exactly today 32 years ago, Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir called out the famous call: "Abrasha, come home!"

- A brief reminder before we clarify how the creators turned around.

Abrasha, Avraham Sharir, who was elected to the Likud list, was one of the famous heroes of the "stinking exercise" in 1990. In the Alignment Party, Sharir was promised exorbitant benefits, provided he crossed the lines to the left bloc and gave him the majority.

The promises included the position of minister, armor on the lineup for the next Knesset, and in addition, the appointment of associates to various senior positions.

In the absence of a constitutional reference to such a possibility, everything was then allowed.

Sharir later declared that he probably would not have survived and resigned from the government of Shimon Peres, if she had risen, and was even happy that the exercise did not succeed.

In the historical memory, however, most of the exorbitant promises made to him in exchange for his political defection to the opposite camp remained.

The police trauma soon led to the beginning of the enactment of a new section in the law, in which every word expresses the attempt to stop political defections in exchange for political favors: .. which was represented by a faction of the outgoing Knesset ... ".

Political consideration is a key concept, emphasizing that a vote against the faction will not be considered a resignation "if the Knesset member has not received any consideration for his vote."

And what exactly is a return?

"Directly or indirectly, in a promise or commitment for the future, including securing a place on the list of candidates for the Knesset, or appointing a Knesset member himself or another person to any position."

There is no doubt that the legislature meant one who retires from the original path and ideology of his movement in exchange for political favors, and transfers his support to the rival political camp.

The title of the discussions over the months left no doubt: "A bill to prevent embezzlement in trust (elected officials)".

Now the creators have turned upside down.

A party that has violated the vast majority of its ideological, value-based commitments seeks to declare Shikli, who remains true to its original path, a retiree.

There is not a single person in the State of Israel, regardless of his political affiliation, who does not understand who remained loyal to the path of the original right from the election, and who are the ones who received political benefits in exchange for defecting to the rival camp.

The current right is the retiring party.

Its leader, Naftali Bennett, has enjoyed the greatest possible pleasure in politics, the role of prime minister. If indeed the prevention of a fifth election was the main thing, why not give Lapid, the head of the three times larger party, the right to be the first prime minister in the caliphate?

And if the fulfillment of national values ​​is the main thing, why not prefer three important and central ministries, and threaten to overthrow the government to the extent that national values ​​are not met?

A thousand official decisions of the Knesset committee that Shikli is retiring, will not change the public opinion that Shemina is the retiree to which the legislature is directed, while the trustee is Shikli.

Were we wrong?


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