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After a shootout: Israeli rescued in Ethiopia | Israel Hayom

7/31/2023, 3:05:30 PM

Highlights: Israel believed that the abduction of IsraeliVoodoo Adebabaiin Ethiopia was a fabrication. Former Aliyah Minister MK Pnina Tamano (State Camp) quietly pitched in to help the family return the elderly father (79) to his home in Israel. The country's special forces closed in on the kidnappers, who almost managed to escape to Sudan - with the kidnapped in their hands. This comes after Tamanu Sheta employs people she knows in the remote country who are also recruiting the country’s special forces.

After the Foreign Ministry claimed that this was a fabrication, the intervention of MK Tamanu Shteh helped the positive end • The country's special forces closed in on the kidnappers, who almost managed to escape to Sudan - with the kidnapped in their hands

While Israel believed that the abduction of IsraeliVoodoo Adebabaiin Ethiopia was a fabrication, former Aliyah Minister MK Pnina Tamano (State Camp) quietly pitched in to help the family return the elderly father (79) to his home in Israel.

On Monday, the case took a dramatic turn when he was rescued by special force after a chase and shootout with the kidnappers in Ethiopia. This comes after Tamanu Sheta employs people she knows in the remote country who are also recruiting the country's special forces.

Harsh scenes: Famine in Ethiopia's Tigray region // Photo: Reuters

The latest development occurred after last week the family gave up trying to enlist the government to help, and turned to MK Tamanu Sheta. The latter turned to an Israeli businessman of Ethiopian origin connected to special forces who threatened Ethiopia and asked for his help. The same forces began arresting those close to the kidnappers in recent days and exerted heavy pressure on them.

Meanwhile, the event evolved and began to look like part of a suspense series. The kidnappers fled from place to place until they reached the border with Sudan. There, with the help of technological means, they were located by the special forces. Today they managed to surprise the kidnappers. They located them, and at the end of a shootout, the elderly Israeli civilian was rescued unharmed.

Helped the family. MK Pnina Tamano Shata, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The man's two sons have been in Ethiopia for about two weeks, and the Foreign Ministry – which initially believed it was a made-up affair – is keeping abreast of the latest developments. However, only after a rescue attempt and negotiations between the kidnapper's sons and the kidnappers did the incident end as they fled the scene with their father under the direction of the special forces.

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