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Opinion | The Sober to Be Remembered | Israel Hayom

11/19/2023, 7:25:14 AM

Highlights: Yesh Atid duo Ram Ben-Barak and Idan Roll will be listed as the first to sober up. Ben Barak is going through a difficult process after a career based on a set of values that proved to be a failed concept. Rolle's previous set has to do with clothes and is less bound by the dictates of the Mapainik past. To deviate from the flow in a ruthless political camp built on the ethos of "you're either with us or you're against us" is brave and remarkable.

Ben Barak is going through a difficult process after a career based on a set of values that proved to be a failed concept. Rolle's previous set has to do with clothes and is less bound by the dictates of the Mapainik past

There is a considerable chance that in history books written in a decade or two about the critical stages in the dying of the idea of the political left, the Yesh Atid duo, Ram Ben-Barak and Idan Roll, will be listed as the first to sober up. Initially, it was Rolle who stated – contrary to Lapid's declaration – the obvious to any functioning Israeli: the transfer of power in Gaza to the Palestinian Authority is madness that will inevitably cost blood. When Rolle began running a swift impeachment proceeding for MK Iman Khatib Yassin, who was embroiled in pro-Nazi statements that surprised him for some reason, it could already be called a trend.

Ben-Barak went one step further when he wrote a joint initiative document with Danny Danon of the Likud to move refugees from Gaza out into the big world, which in colloquial Hebrew is called "transfer."

In this document, Ben-Barak abruptly violated the only two prohibitions of Dauritha in the religion of the movement: a. Do not make you a statue or picture of any god other than Lapid, b. A quick Harakiri is preferable to any direct or indirect alliance with a sitting Likud member. One wonders, of course, where these obvious opinions of the two were before 7.10, but also to honestly admit that many things have shaken up for all of us since that Shabbat.

In order not to involve joy in Sasson, let us recall that the Israeli left is not yet exactly the people of Nineveh who met the prophet Jonah: B.B. has been wandering the corridors of Yesh Atid for some time now, with a constant laser point accompanying his forehead after declaring that he is facing the eternal ruler; Rolle, for his part, is already worried about his political future: slowly but surely he is positioning himself in the "Israeli Center-State-National-Israeli Party" (or some lie) headed by Bennett-Kahane (or some falsehood) that will be established later on, when he occupies the Tel Avivian-face-beautiful-LGBT position.

Since it's hard for me to believe that an amiable interdisciplinary bok at best like Roll would think of a move that involves more than two steps himself, I certainly salute his advisor. Ben-Barak wasn't exactly a profound thinker either. But still - Rolle is under pressure, as of this writing, while Ben-Barak was alarmed by the enormous pressure from the media left, and became entangled in explanations that he is not in favor of a transfer but in favor of a different transfer (or something like that).

It is hard to admit – even indirectly – that the side that until a few months ago you considered the enemy Niederthal was right all these years. To deviate from the flow in a ruthless political camp built on the ethos of "you're either with us or you're against us" is a brave and remarkable step in any situation

Roll and B.B. presently represent a (very) crude cut of two types of disillusioners: the security and the young. Securityists like B.B. are going through a much more difficult and painful process, after decades of a career based on a set of values that (again) proved to be a failed concept.

Rule's better-known set, the retired model, is mostly of clothing and far fewer values, but it represents a generation far less bound by the dictates of the Mapainik past. Despite their hesitation and cynicism, they deserve a lot of respect. It is hard to admit – even indirectly – that the side that until a few months ago you considered the enemy Niederthal was right all these years. To deviate from the flow in a ruthless political camp built on the ethos of "you're either with us or you're against us" is a brave and remarkable step in any situation.

Will the process be long and volatile and include more blood, or will it be sharp, fast and welcome? Only our children will know in a decade or two. Wait for the book.

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