The Limited Times

How to clean a awning?

7/20/2023, 4:11:16 AM

Highlights: The awning is a practical and aesthetic equipment that brings shade and freshness on a terrace or in a garden. Over time, it can accumulate dirt, dust, and stains that affect its appearance. Discover tips and tricks to effectively clean your awned, whether it is plastic, aluminum, wood or canvas. Take full advantage of your outdoor space, while preserving the beauty of your Awning. How to give it a second youth? How to clean a wooden blind? To discover what to do in your garden in summer?

Over time, it can accumulate dirt, dust, and stains that affect its appearance. Discover tips and tricks to effectively clean your awning, whether it is plastic, aluminum, wood or canvas and ensure its durability.

The awning is a practical and aesthetic equipment that brings shade and freshness on a terrace or in a garden. But it gets dirty over time. How to give it a second youth?

To discover

  • What to do in your garden in summer?

How to clean a plastic or aluminum blind?

Plastic or aluminum awnings are generally easier to maintain. Here are the steps to clean them:

- Dust the awning with a soft cloth or soft-bristled brush to remove surface dirt and dust.

- Prepare a solution of warm water and mild soap, such as dishwashing liquid or Marseille soap. Avoid abrasive or corrosive products that could damage the awning material.

- Impregnate a sponge or a soft-bristled brush with the soap solution and gently clean the entire surface of the awning. Emphasize the dirtiest or stained areas.

- Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of soap.

- If persistent stains remain, you can use a specific plastic or aluminum cleaner, following the manufacturer's instructions.

- Finally, let the awning air dry before retracting or folding it.

How to clean a wooden blind?

Wooden awnings require special attention when cleaning to preserve their natural appearance and durability. Here are the steps to follow:

- Start by removing dust and debris using a soft-bristled brush or microfiber wipe. Be sure to reach the gaps and nooks and crannies of the awning.

- Prepare a solution of warm water and mild soap, specially designed for wood. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals.

- Use a slightly damp sponge or cloth to gently clean the wooden blind. Be careful not to get the wood too wet.

- For stubborn stains, you can use a mixture of water and white vinegar in equal proportions. Apply it gently to the stain using a clean cloth, then rinse with clean water.

- Once the cleaning is finished, let the blind dry in the open air. Avoid direct sun exposure during this time.

How to give a new look to a awning canvas?

Even if your canvas awning is protected in a chest when folded, the canvas can be exposed to dust, weather and dirt when opened. Here's how to give it a facelift:

- Start by dusting the canvas with a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a suitable brush.

- If the canvas has stains, you can treat them using a mixture of warm water and mild soap. Gently apply this solution using a sponge or a soft brush, making circular motions.

- For more stubborn stains (bird droppings, mold), you can add baking soda, soda crystals or ammonia to your cleaning solution or use a stain remover specially designed for awning fabrics. On the other hand, avoid bleach, which is too corrosive.

- After cleaning, rinse the canvas thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap or stain remnants.

- Allow the canvas to dry completely before retracting or folding the blind.

Our advice

Avoid using a pressure washer that could damage your outdoor awning canvas.

It is recommended to regularly clean your awning to maintain its lifespan and aesthetic appearance. By following these simple tips, you can keep your plastic, aluminum, wooden or canvas awning, clean and in good condition. Take full advantage of your outdoor space, while preserving the beauty of your awning.

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