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Toulouse: a 19-year-old woman disfigured with a shard of a bottle


Highlights: A couple was violently attacked by a group of four minors in the city center of Toulouse, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. The young woman was reportedly severely slashed in the face by blows from a bottle shard during the altercation. The four alleged attackers are known unfavourably by the police and have been taken into custody. The victim would be "undoubtedly disfigured for life," according to the regional daily Dépêche du midi. They should be brought before the juvenile prosecutor's office.

A couple was violently attacked by a group of four minors in the city center of Toulouse, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday.

In Toulouse, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, a 19-year-old passerby and her companion were attacked by four minors they had just met, according to the Dépêche du midi. The young woman was reportedly severely slashed in the face by blows from a bottle shard during the altercation.

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According to the local newspaper, around three o'clock in the morning, the couple met on the boulevard Lazare Carnot two girls and two boys aged 14, 16 and 17. Still according to the Dépêche du midi, one of the members of the quartet would have indicated that the dress of the victim "was not correct".

An attack of great violence

The boyfriend would not have appreciated the reflection and exchanges of insults would have started between the two groups. Quickly, the aggressiveness passes a stage and the blows begin to rain on the two victims. An altercation so violent that it is reported by the video protection operators.

When the municipal police arrived at the scene, they noticed that the harassed woman had been hit in the face, back and arm by a shard of a bottle. She will be taken to hospital for treatment. In the end, about fifty stitches were made to close the wounds. The victim would be "undoubtedly disfigured for life," according to the regional daily.

The four alleged attackers are known unfavourably by the police and have been taken into custody. They should be brought before the juvenile prosecutor's office.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2023-07-20

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