The Limited Times

Opinion | From defensive to offensive: Gaza is suffering – and will suffer even more | Israel Hayom

10/10/2023, 3:03:31 AM

Highlights: Israel is working to bring Hamas to its knees, writes Yehoshua Yosef. Israel has unparalleled civil resilience and incredible mutual responsibility, he says. But the state is dysfunctional and unable to respond to the catastrophe that has befallen it, he adds. Yosef: Gaza is suffering – and will suffer even more – beyond what it is now estimated to have suffered in the past two days. It is doubtful whether this will comforts the battered Israeli home, but it is comforts anyone on the front line.

Hamas's cruel "achievement" will now stand in its way: Israel is working to bring him to his knees, with an entire world behind it that wants to see its victory as part of the struggle of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness Nasrallah in a dilemma: Will his attack open the gates of hell on him

Early yesterday morning, a friend who is abroad wrote to me: "I'm not talking to you right now about my mother being kidnapped. We will solve this in the future. My entire kibbutz was burned, destroyed, dozens killed, dozens kidnapped. Those who remained were evacuated to Eilat. They have no money, clothes for children, psychologists. Everyone there is traumatized. They collect donations for themselves. It's unbelievable dude. Please try to help."

IDF attacks Hezbollah observation post in Lebanon

The kibbutz in question is Nir Oz, who suffered a fatal blow on Shabbat. The stories that come from there are shocking, difficult to hear, impossible to write. Those who managed to leave did so with only clothes on their bodies. Everything left behind was looted and burned. Their immediate physical needs were largely resolved yesterday. The hotels that host them (and residents of other kibbutzim) have stepped up to help; Eilat residents mobilized with clothes and toys and pampering food; A variety of organizations and bodies have enlisted to help with psychologists and social workers; Donors from Israel and abroad transferred money so that the refugees could buy themselves a cup of coffee or a can of soft drink; And good people organized donations that were collected for the trucks, which at the end of a long day arrived in Eilat with essential equipment – from shoes and flip-flops, through lingerie for women and men, to mobile phone chargers.

In the background of all this, two things stood out. One is positive: Israel has unparalleled civil resilience and incredible mutual responsibility (which unfortunately only appears in times of crisis). The second is negative: the state is dysfunctional and unable to respond to the catastrophe that has befallen it. It pops up at every point – from compiling a snapshot of victims and abductees to advocacy – and is particularly evident in the mistreatment of those who paid the highest price. Even the necessary basics of visiting the wounded or attending the funerals of our elected officials have not been done, as if this minimal degree of humanity will also infect them with the responsibility (from which they will never be able to escape).

IDF soldiers near the Gaza Strip,

The settlements in the envelope were shattered

The IDF actually began to recover yesterday. Slowly, but the direction is clear. After two difficult and bloody days, full control of the envelope was achieved. Although several squads managed to penetrate into Israeli territory through the perforated border fence, they were dealt with quickly and efficiently. This will now make it possible to move between the homes in the communities, and to formulate a more accurate picture of those killed and missing, as well as of the enormous extent of the damage.

When the pictures are revealed, today or tomorrow, we will all witness the magnitude of the disaster. The envelope was shattered, in practice. About his future, if there is one, it is too early to talk. The cities around it are showing impressive resilience: a visit to Sderot yesterday revealed residents willing to absorb rockets and stay in safe rooms, provided that the rocket threat is permanently removed. In the meantime, they are forced to maintain the familiar routine of warfare, with constant running to protected areas with paratroopers patrolling the streets in case terrorists manage to reach the city again. The whole city looks like a battlefield, and so do the communities around it. At every point there is a police or military force, alongside masses of volunteers who are looking to do good.

, civilians enlist to collect donations for IDF soldiers and residents of the envelope. Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

Gaza pays a price

The control gained on the ground frees the IDF to go on the offensive. Yesterday's aerial strike on Gaza was significant, and is expected to intensify in the coming days. It is doubtful whether this comforts anyone on the battered Israeli home front, but Gaza is suffering – and will suffer even more. Hamas's resounding success – far beyond what it estimated – will now stand in its way: Israel is working to bring it to its knees, with an entire world behind it that wants to see its victory as part of the Sons of Light's struggle against the Sons of Darkness.

As always, the United States is leading this line in an unequivocal show of support for Israel. Yesterday, the first swallow landed in Israel in what is expected to intensify into a train of emergency security assistance, which will include a variety of items – from precision bombs and various components for various weapons, to tactical combat equipment such as weapons and vests. The arrival of the aircraft carrier is supposed to complete the frontal alignment with Israel, which is also being done to deter Iran and Hezbollah from launching a parallel campaign in the north.

Attack in Gaza, photo: AFP

As of last night, Hezbollah had refrained from joining the fighting, although it had significantly raised alert in all its offensive and defensive systems.

The incidents recorded yesterday near the fence (infiltration by terrorists and mortar fire) are mainly responsible for Palestinians who apparently belong to Hamas, but they were probably carried out with Hezbollah's blessing. The IDF has used the hours that have passed since the Hamas attack on Saturday morning to dramatically improve the state of preparedness in the northern arena, mainly in the defense components, and also to advance significant forces for a possible attack.

The threat: Lebanon will not exist

In discussions held in recent days in the defense establishment, various opinions were voiced regarding the chances that Hezbollah would join the campaign. Israel, for its part, conveyed messages to the organization that Lebanon would pay a high price, and perhaps even cease to exist, if Hezbollah chose to fight. Similar threats were conveyed to Tehran, which yesterday quickly denied involvement in preparing and approving the attack from Gaza. This shows that while Iran is pleased with what happened, it also fears that things could turn into a broad regional war that will be exploited to exact a direct price on its soil.

Still, it is likely that the decision whether there will be a war in Lebanon will not be made in Tehran but in Beirut. Hassan Nasrallah is faced with a dilemma: on the one hand, Israel is on the boards after suffering the worst blow in its history, and he can hurt it much more. On the other hand, he is aware that Israel has nothing to lose at this time, and is willing to go all the way – without limitations and inhibitions and with unwavering domestic and international support – until a decision is reached.

The decision made in Beirut will determine what the coming days will look like in Israel. If Hezbollah remains out, the IDF will focus on Gaza and significantly enhance its achievements, while at the same time the threat to the home front will be gradually removed and the economy will be able to slowly return to normal. If, on the other hand, Hezbollah joins, Israel will find itself in the most complex war in its history in terms of the threat to the home front and the challenges on the front. In recent days, the Israeli public has been exposed to its possible costs, and may be required to be many times more resilient than it has shown so far. The conduct of the citizens in recent days indicates with certainty that this will happen, but the government's conduct requires rapid improvement.

The fact that an emergency government has not yet been formed is an eclipse that requires an immediate solution, as is the necessary improvement in the functioning of many government ministries. The IDF, which understood the hole it was in, sought solutions and strengthened weak points, with experienced commanders called to the field to assist in times of crisis (Mickey Edelstein for reinforcement in the Gaza Division, Eliezer Toledano in the Southern Command). Nothing will detract from the dignity of the government and ministers if they act in a similar manner.

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