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Opinion | The Palestinians Slaughtered Peace | Israel Hayom


Highlights: Iran is ready to fight to the last drop of blood of the Palestinians and Lebanese and sacrifice them to fight us. But the Palestinians will pay a heavy price. The State of Israel has been dealt a severe blow. We were caught off guard, exactly 50 years after that concept of the Yom Kippur War. We always know that the house must be guarded, otherwise we will not be preserved as a people. While Palestinians and Arabs fight for territory and interests, we fight for our lives, fight for survival.

Iran is ready to fight to the last drop of blood of the Palestinians and Lebanese and sacrifice them to fight us. But the Palestinians will pay a heavy price

The State of Israel is at war with Iran.

Not another round with Hamas in Gaza, but a real war with Iran, which is trying to prevent normalization between Israel and Saudi Arabia at all costs.

We must not underestimate the power of the Hamas terrorist organization, a well-trained and skilled Iranian-Palestinian army, which the Iranians have built and trained in Gaza for years since the disengagement from Gaza, at an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

The Iranians sent Hamas weapons and instructors to train the army and copied the operating model of another army they established in Lebanon - Hezbollah.

The State of Israel has been dealt a severe blow. We were caught off guard, exactly 50 years after that concept of the Yom Kippur War. Once again, the same images of an intelligence-operative failure surface before our eyes. At the time, the conception was that the Egyptians were not interested in war and could not cross the Canal-Kav Bar-Lev. This time, senior defense officials claimed that Hamas was deterred and not interested in escalation, and that the sophisticated technological means along the border with Gaza would prevent terrorists from infiltrating Israeli territory. For months we have been hearing the head of Military Intelligence, MK and former IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. (res.) Gadi Eisenkot and other senior officials warning that the State of Israel is in a very sensitive security situation, and that our enemies recognize our weakness and are waiting for the right time. Even the defense minister warned against the same and was met with dismissal.

Their words fall on deaf ears. Some senior defense officials also treated the threats and scenarios of multi-front war presented to them smugly and arrogantly.

Just like then, this time too we were surprised. Hamas made sure to put them to sleep and created an imaginary lull before starting. As then, Hamas chose to attack on a holiday Saturday, knowing that many soldiers were on leave. But unlike the Yom Kippur War, during which we suffered a severe blow of thousands of dead and wounded soldiers and hundreds of soldiers taken prisoner, the home front was outside the circle of fighting. This time, most of the casualties and prisoners are innocent civilians. Mothers, fathers, grandparents, grandmothers, girls and children and young people, who were slaughtered to death and some of them were taken prisoner, through no fault of their own. During the Yom Kippur War, the Syrians and Egyptians did not reach civilian settlements, this time Hamas came.

However, there is one thing that has not changed from the day the State of Israel was established until today. We always know that the house must be guarded, otherwise we will not be preserved as a people. While Palestinians and Arabs fight for territory and interests, we fight for our lives, fight for survival. This is also the secret of the success of the State of Israel from the day it was established. A war of existence must be won, so this time too, we will win the war, whether Hezbollah joins or not.

We always know that the house must be guarded, otherwise we will not be preserved as a people. While Palestinians and Arabs fight for territory and interests, we fight for our lives, fight for survival

In any case, the main losers will be the Palestinians, and if Hezbollah joins, the Lebanese will also lose. Iran is willing to fight to the last drop of Palestinian and Lebanese blood and sacrifice both to fight us. Although the State of Israel has suffered an unprecedented blow, once the situation stabilizes, the Palestinians will experience harm they have never experienced before. So will the Lebanese if Hezbollah decides to intervene.

Palestinians today celebrate the slaughter of innocent Israeli children, women and civilians, but they should not rush to celebrate. Their lives in Gaza, which had been difficult until now, will now be unbearable for many years. In the last 100 years, the Palestinians have always brought disaster upon themselves, always served other masters and paid a heavy price.

Above all this, the greatest Palestinian price is that today they have slaughtered with their own hands the chance for peace in the coming decades. No people who desire life can trust such inhuman murderers, let alone take risks as peace requires.

May the memory of our fallen be blessed.

May the memory of peace be blessed.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2023-10-11

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