The Limited Times

Opinion | All forces operations room | Israel Hayom

10/17/2023, 6:46:24 AM

Highlights: The ultra-Orthodox public has always been part of the Israeli experience, but in the shadow of its never-ending conflict with secularism, it is doomed to entrench itself and be relegated to corners of hostility. Ari Gotthelf manages the operations room, Nocha and Leah and Noa handle the calls and transportation, Eli, Yehuda, Kuti and Gabriel are responsible for obtaining equipment. Eli Shani and Yaakov raise the project of protection and treatment of the ultra-orthodox who want to help in the fighting. Natan is in charge of logistics, a huge war room of volunteers coordinates the volunteer request center.

The ultra-Orthodox public has always been part of the Israeli experience, but in the shadow of its never-ending conflict with secularism, it is doomed to entrench itself and be relegated to corners of hostility

Ari Gotthelf manages the operations room, Nocha and Leah and Noa handle the calls and transportation, Eli, Yehuda, Kuti and Gabriel are responsible for obtaining equipment, Eli Shani and Yaakov raise the project of protection and treatment of the ultra-Orthodox who want to help in the fighting, Natan is in charge of logistics, a huge war room of volunteers coordinates the volunteer request center, Feeney coordinates the funerals and treatment of mourners, Nahumi manages, and much more.

For eight days now, my daughter has been leaving home in the morning and returning in the evening, with the phone still in her ear. I follow her from room to room, hear the data, and can't believe my ears: these young people, lacking logistical training, who until two weeks ago were still "rolling from bed to bed," as our parents would say, built a proud factory within a week that you can't help but salute.

Yesterday I went to visit and see with my own eyes. The volunteer war room of the ultra-Orthodox website "Kikar HaShabbat" and the Tel Aviv Foundation is one of the exciting things in the midst of the great awakening of the accursed days of war.

I know I'm not renewing anything. Anyone can tell about the volunteer projects that sprang up in moments before our eyes, and yet, at the end of a visit of several hours, during which I was also tasked with collecting equipment and transporting it, I find it hard to hold back the enthusiasm. The system is exceptionally efficient.

The length of time from the moment a demand arrives from the field (we are talking about dozens of calls from unit commanders and community coordinators every day) until the boxes reach their destination is only a few hours. There is nothing that the war room cannot achieve. The activity is run by young people who, in peacetime, are far from logistical and organizational worlds. And the heads are big. And do not stop initiating.

And there is a whiff of great vision in the air, because here there is something else that needs to be discussed: I hope that I will not lose myself, but the huge accumulation of energy that I discovered this week among the volunteer rooms will be the basis for the great correction in the relations between the ultra-Orthodox and the secular in Israel. Will it happen because of the thousands of dishes and and vests? Not. It will happen because of the powerful statement that hangs over all this activity, which says: We are part of this event, and we will also do it in a way where there will be no one who does not know that we are part of it.

These young people, lacking logistical training, who until two weeks ago were still "rolling from bed to bed," as our parents would say, have lifted up a proud enterprise within a week that is impossible not to salute

I belong to those who know that the ultra-Orthodox public has always been part of the Israeli experience, but in the shadow of its never-ending conflict with secularism, it is doomed to entrench itself and be relegated to corners of hostility. Such an activity comes along and shouts a simple thing: Let's separate. The conflict is a conflict, but we are an integral part. This is not just a piece of awakening energy, it is a fundamental statement to hold on to and leverage.

She says: We will continue to fight fiercely – but from the inside, not from the outside.

Thank you, beloved ones, keep it up with all your might. When these dark chronicles are written, every dish and knee protector you have devotedly sent will receive a mention of honor.

And you, my daughter Rest, well done to you.

When you're done let me know, I'll come pick you up. And get out quickly.

There is no parking there.

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