The Limited Times

Czech .. demands to stop the Turkish aggression on Syrian territory

10/31/2019, 7:58:44 AM

PRAGUE - SANA (Reuters) - The head of the European Commission in the Czech House of Representatives, Ondrej Beniczk, called on the European Union to press


The head of the European Commission in the Czech House of Representatives, Ondrej Penichek, called on the European Union to put pressure on the Turkish regime to stop its blatant aggression on Syrian territory and withdraw its occupying forces.

In a statement to the Czech news agency, Bnešek said that the European Union must act effectively to stop this aggression, stressing the need to respect international law that prevents the attack on the sovereignty of states.

For his part, said Czech Rep. Jan Lipavsky: "It is absolutely unacceptable to continue the Turkish occupation of areas in northern Syria .. It is the duty of the European Union to adopt effective resolutions to stop the aggression of the Turkish regime."

The Municipal Council of the Czech city of Tersebich condemned the aggression, noting that the forces of the Turkish regime and its mercenaries are attacking civilians, villages and cities in clear violation of international law.

The council said in a statement: "The city announces its joining calls to Czech leaders to work within the European Union to adopt measures against Turkey to stop its aggression and withdraw its troops from Syrian territory."

The deputy speaker of the Czech House of Representatives and head of the Movement for Liberty and Direct Democracy Tomio Okamura said yesterday that the aggression of the Turkish regime on Syrian territory is a continuation of the policies of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in violation of international law in the Middle East.

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