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Seizures of fireworks continue ahead of New Year's Eve - News

12/29/2023, 11:02:42 AM

Highlights: Seizures of fireworks continue ahead of New Year's Eve. Over 115 thousand in Rome, a few quintals in the Lecce area and tens of kilos in Bari. The Guardia di Finanza, and in some realities the Carabinieri, continues the checks. If placed on the market, the seized goods would have yielded revenues of hundreds of thousands of euros. The two perpetrators involved in the incidents, on the orders of the magistrate on duty, were reported for possession, import and manufacture of illegal explosive material.

Over 115 thousand in Rome, a few quintals in the Lecce area and tens of kilos in Bari (ANSA)

Flurry of seizures in these days of fireworks in view of the New Year's celebrations, The Guardia di Finanza, and in some realities the Carabinieri, continues the checks started in December to identify illegal and dangerous ones and remove them from availability

More than 115,000 pyrotechnic devices, equal to about 4,200 kilograms of explosive material, have been seized by the Financiers of the Provincial Command of Rome. This is the result of the extraordinary control plan implemented in December by the Departments of Rome and the province which, in view of the Christmas holidays, swept the territory, finding 560 "rockets" on board a van, equal to 3,000 kg of explosive category F2, very dangerous due to the quantity of explosive material contained in each of them, transported without the required authorization from the Public Security Authority.
On the other hand, 114,500 fireworks (about 1,200 kg of gunfire) were seized in various warehouses and retail outlets, located in the areas of Boccea, Esquilino, Centocelle, Alessandrino and Ostia. If placed on the market, the seized goods would have yielded revenues of hundreds of thousands of euros.

The Guardia di Finanza of Lecce seized 750 kilograms of explosive material in two separate operations. In Monteroni di Lecce, the specialized financiers of the Operational Unit - Green Berets have identified more than 45,000 pieces of fireworks of various kinds and with high potential in a van parked in a disused factory and subjected to seizure. Subsequently, during a check in the premises used by the man who was transporting part of the seized material, a total of 7.35 quintals of barrels were discovered, including batteries of single-shot and multi-shot pipes and large handcrafted fireworks. The second seizure was made in Poggiardo during checks in various commercial establishments where almost 12,000 fireworks were discovered illegally held by the legal representative of a company, at present, untraceable. The two perpetrators involved in the incidents, on the orders of the magistrate on duty, were reported for possession, import and manufacture of illegal explosive material.

During intensified controls with the approach of New Year's Eve to prevent the sale and use of unauthorized and dangerous fireworks, the carabinieri of the provincial command of Bari seized a total of over 40 kilograms of pyrotechnic material.
Several people were also reported who, in the premises they use, had accumulated kilos of non-approved and decidedly dangerous pyrotechnic material.

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