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New Year's Eve: woman injured by a stray bullet in Naples - News


Highlights: New Year's Eve: woman injured by a stray bullet in Naples. While watching the fireworks on the balcony of his home in Forcella. Incident comes a few hours after an 11-year-old boy in Alfano, in the province of Salerno. The little boy was handling a firecracker, which exploded in his face. The doctors found a serious trauma to his eye, whose functionality would have been permanently compromised. The woman was transported to the Vecchio Pellegrini hospital. It would not be life-threatening.

While watching the fireworks on the balcony of his home in Forcella (ANSA)

A woman was injured while watching the New Year's fireworks in Naples from the balcony of her home: according to what has been learned, she was hit in the abdomen by a stray bullet. It happened in the Forcella district. The woman was transported to the Vecchio Pellegrini hospital. It would not be life-threatening.

The incident comes a few hours after an 11-year-old boy in Alfano, in the province of Salerno. The little boy was handling a firecracker, which exploded in his face. Immediate help and a rush to the hospital: the doctors found a serious trauma to his eye, whose functionality would have been permanently compromised.

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Source: ansa

All life articles on 2024-01-01

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