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The widest speed skating track in Europe is at Saint-Pierre-lès-Elbeuf


It is 7 m wide and 200 m long. With national level skaters, the Saint-Pierrais Roller Sport settles down

On the outskirts of the Hauts Vents complex in Saint-Pierre-lès-Elbeuf, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime), we are immediately surprised by the azure ring of the new roller skating track sublimated by LED lighting and where sportsmen glide in silence. For the past few weeks, the president of Roller Sport Saint-Pierrais, Pascal Gallet, has been proud to present "the most beautiful track in France and the widest in Europe".

Indeed, with its 200 m long and 7 m wide, all hopes are allowed for the residents of the sports association which counts the European Champion Julien Levrard and the Vice-European Champion Louis Colin.

The Speed ​​Skating Club was born in 1983 in the town which today has 1000 inhabitants, “from the ambition of two leaders. They first settled in a schoolyard and the club quickly grew. For ten years, the club used an asphalt track 166 m long by 5 wide. The performances have improved and the supervision has been extended, ”adds Pascal Gallet.

Only, with 160 licensees, 3 employees, a roller skating school, international competitors "and standards that have changed, we had to think about new equipment". So, five years ago, the president and the mayor Patrice Desanglois met. We will have to wait until the end of 2017 to find a consensus and especially the funding.

A track unanimously welcomed by specialists

The first pickaxe was given in May 2019 and the new track was received in October of the same year. "It's a great toy. Thanks to the resin, it is very rolling, fast, grips well and dries very quickly. The records will quickly fall. For our licensees, it will allow additional training. I hope to attract other competitors! "Says Pascal Gallet.

The French Rollerblading Federation has heard the call since already a request to receive the France Juniors A and B team as well as the Seniors has been launched and accepted. Then, “we are going to shake hands with a regional championship in June and especially welcome in September the first stage of the Coupe de France de Speed ​​Skating. We already had the echo that we could host the French Championships in 2022. The track attracts a lot and inspires French and foreigners. "

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To acquire this jewel, the municipality spent nearly 900,000 euros with a subsidy of 155,000 euros by the Normandy region, as much by the Rouen Normandy Metropolis, 25,000 euros by the Department of Seine-Maritime and the balance for St. Pierrais. With spring, green spaces will appear as well as benches while waiting for changing rooms shared with the football club. “Now we dream of a roof. We could ride all year round! "

Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2020-02-18

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