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Fast on skis: Maximilian Schwarz is a permanent guest on the podium


Ski racer Maximilian Schwarz (DAV Peißenberg) wants to go up. The road there is tough, but the 17-year-old has already had some great successes recently.

Ski racer Maximilian Schwarz (DAV Peißenberg) wants to go up. The road there is tough, but the 17-year-old has already had some great successes recently.

District - It is an up and down with the young alpine, who are in their first FIS seasons this year. Andreas Strodl, responsible trainer for the national performance center of the region, needs a lot of tact to keep praise and incentive in balance. "There are some positives, but also some negatives, and sometimes the exact definition is not that easy," says the former World Cup athlete.

He is actually very satisfied with Maximilian Schwarz (DAV Peißenberg) and Fabian Herzog (SC Garmisch). Black recently became the German youth champion in the U18 in Super-G on Götschen and finished third in the giant slalom on Jenner. Most recently, the 17-year-old convinced at the German Youth Championship at Sudelfeld. Black won the runner-up title in the slalom. The medals were awarded as part of an international race. The overall standings were won by Belgian Tom Verbeke (22), who already competed in a World Cup at the slalom in Chamonix this winter. Black finished 24th out of 47 ranks. Herzog, the younger of 2003, came fourth in the giant slalom on Götschen.

DAV Peißenberg: Maximilian Schwarz German champion in Super-G

“These are good results, and the two drivers are among the best two or even the best in their year in Germany,” says Strodl. But that shouldn't hide the fact that a piece is still missing internationally. Black is in the Super-G just like Luis Vogt (SCG) in the 2002 vintage among the best eleven in the world, but Herzog as the best German among the 2003 cohorts is only in 25th place - internationally.

The situation in the slalom, where Fynn-Jorgen Tschan as the best German 2003er is just among the top 50 in the world, becomes even clearer. "We are on the right track, everyone has scored points in the past few months, but we still have a lot of work ahead of us," analyzes Strodl.

He knows how hard the step from school race to FIS race is and therefore has patience with his athletes. Nevertheless, the steps into the European Cup and the World Cup are much more difficult and the racers have to be prepared for this from the start. This also means that older people like Alois Neff (2001, SCG) get their chances in the European Cup after good FIS results. His first assignment was in Berchtesgaden in February. A race that with many failures - including Neff - clearly showed how difficult it is to jump into the European Cup. “But you just have to have this experience to stay motivated and develop the will to fight,” says Strodl.

In the girls Joanne Vogt (SCG) recently won two FIS races in the Super-G on the Kandahar. "A great thing," says the trainer. Immediately afterwards she hit the other side of skiing: A cruciate ligament tear ended her season. "Such setbacks are tough for all of us," says Strodl.

Kathrin Schneitberger / Paul Hopp

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Source: merkur

All sports articles on 2020-03-06

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