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"I feel part of me is missing" Israel today


Dianello Harrison is awaiting his brother's imprisonment after ten years in prison: "fulfilling his dreams" • And also: France's drug case in Israeli basketball

Dianello Harrison awaits his brother's imminent release after ten years in prison: "Realizing his dreams" • On the 193 tattoos on his body: "Symbolizing the religious change I made" • And the affair to which he was linked before arriving at RPL: ​​"No results yet For drug testing "

  • Harrison. "Good from Jacob Brown one by one"


    Bernie Erdov

When Dianello Harrison was released from the French portal a few weeks ago and concluded with Maccabi, the rumors began to spread that he had left France for failing a drug test. Harrison and his agents strongly denied and the actor landed in the wine town.

After acclimating to his new group, he first talks about the episode in an interview with Israel Today. "I came to the RZC because my opportunity came," he says with a serious face. "There are still no results for my examination from France and I am not worried. I really don't know why people tell bad things. I've never left a group before in the middle of the season and those who want to talk bad things will enjoy it. I have nothing to do with it. "

"Honestly, I was excited when I first sent the contract and told the agent that I didn't have to check anything because first a serious group that was in the Eurocap and went for it. After a week, I brought my family," he adds.

Are you worried about all the mess now around the Corona?

"I've been hygienically clean since I was born so it doesn't matter my habits when I'm always told to wash my hands. You just have to hope for the best and stay in focus, not hang around with strangers and come in contact with them. It's serious, but don't panic, people die from a lot of things every day ".

It is no coincidence that Harrison is happy to return to Israel. He remembers his previous term here. In season 17/18 he displayed a wonderful ability in Gilboa / Galilee and helped the team qualify for the playoffs. That season, he collaborated with Jacob Brown, and the two were virtually unstoppable. "I know Jacobsen from Texas," he says. "Our friends are sisters. I know him from the age of 13, but he didn't know me because I'm smaller than him until we left to play together in Gilboa / Galilee."

Today, together with Jarmar Galli, one of Brown's best friends, they form a trio and at all times meet with the women and friends, with actors such as Jerusalem players Tishon Thomas, Suleiman Brimo and James Paladin sometimes joining.

Who would win one-on-one training, you or Jacobsen?

"Depends on the day, if he warms up like Maccabi he plays it. In general, I think I'm better than him one by one."

After you left Gilboa, everyone in Israel was sure that your career would take off to high places, and here you are.

"After Gilboa I went to Russia, I was good but then I moved to France. There, I unfortunately felt that I was selfish for my family because I concentrated on only the money I could earn and I had no good. It taught me what is really important for the future. I hope in two or three years to be in the group Top Eurocap or Euroleague or on the roster of an NBA team.

A long, winding road

Harrison has 193 tattoos on his body, and his estimate for a normal person is about $ 30- $ 40,000. To him they only cost $ 5,000 because the tattooist in Texas is a good friend of his. He says behind every tattoo is a lot of thought and investment. "Every tattoo symbolizes something that happened to me in life. For example, I have a tattoo that says 'Sure God.'

A bit of a way, God passed Dianello. He was born in Alaska and his mother handed him along with his older brother Diandra to care for her parents. At age 3, he moved to Texas, where he grew up until returning to Alaska to attend junior college. "My dad was never involved and my mom had a lot of problems because she gave birth to me when she was very young. My grandparents invested in us and did an amazing job, they took care of us in sports and did everything they could to make us feel good. Happens for a reason. "

Of the two, DeAndre was considered to be more talented and marked as the potential to get to the BBC but in 2010 he got involved in a murder case and in two months is supposed to be released from prison after ten years and if the league is still in place, he will arrive in Israel. Dianello can't wait any longer.

"These years have been very difficult for me. He is my best friend and mentor and sometimes I feel part of me is missing. We talk two to three times a day and we hold each other when we hurt. When I tell him I'm upset about something, he tells me about prison and says' Do you think you are upset? I can't go to the bathroom when I want to. ”We encourage each other all the time.

Our family will take care of him when he is released. I told him that as soon as he could he would take out a passport and come and visit me and go on vacation together and explain to him about the world today. Ten years is a lot and he missed big changes. Think he's used to cellphones like BlackBerry, and the last iPhone he had was 3GS. "

"Live it for him"

Despite the hardships, DiAngelo is confident the situation has led him to a better life: "If my brother wasn't in trouble there would be no situation that I would become a professional basketball player. He told me I could be an ordinary person and fulfill the dreams he missed. When he went to prison I started investing in basketball "The reason I live this basketball life is for him too, he's always with me at every stage of my career."

Source: israelhayom

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