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"Martin Fourcade is lucky to have chosen the moment," says Tony Estanguet


Triple Olympic canoe champion, the boss of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 welcomes the decision of Martin Fourcade who announced the end of his career this

Martin Fourcade chose a weekend eve at 8 p.m. to announce his retirement. "When I say goodbye to you, I'm so moved but soothed [...] I leave part of my life behind me ...", he slips into a touching press release. At 31, the five-time Olympic champion, who is playing a final chase today in Kontiolahti (Finland) with the slim hope of winning an 8 th Big Crystal Globe, retires like a lord. His friend, Tony Estanguet, salutes the immense career of the biathlete.

Is it complicated to say stop when you have spent, like Martin Fourcade, more than 10 years at the highest level?

TONY ESTANGUET. It is not an easy decision, it is a part of us that we kill, we turn the page on an area that is dear to us. There is also this fear of the unknown behind, this fear of not knowing what will become of us. But stopping a career is also a nice moment. When we make this decision, we know deep down that it's time. We ask ourselves questions and at some point, we are calm and ready to move on to something else.

He chose this moment. Is it a luxury for an athlete?

It is indeed not given to everyone. Some athletes suffer the end of their career due to an injury, are pushed out because they are no longer qualified or selected. Martin is lucky to have been able to choose his moment, it is a rare luxury in high performance sport which is quite unforgiving.

Did you foresee this decision?

He was wondering, we had often talked about it, but I didn't know what he was going to decide. Besides, never when we met, I asked him if his decision was made, it's such a personal choice ... And he called me in the afternoon (Editor's note: Friday afternoon) ...

What did you tell him?

I congratulated him, I could only congratulate him ... I went back a few years back, I thought a little about my end of career. There were a lot of emotions, on both sides. We shared some great things together, I lived incredible moments by following him, at the last Olympic Games or in front of the television. Beyond his career, Martin has brought a lot to biathlon, he has coached a whole generation. I said to him: bravo, thank you and we will see each other very quickly because we have lots of things to do together (laughs)…

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He is very involved in the Paris 2024 Athletes' Commission. Could he take on other functions on the organizing committee for the Paris Olympics?

It's too early to talk about that, we'll see that in a few weeks, a few months. It is sure that a profile like Martin is interesting. He has a passion for games, this charisma, this intelligence to help this project succeed. It will inevitably have its place within Paris 2024.

What image will you keep of the biathlete?

At the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics, he showed that he was truly a very great champion. A difficult first race and behind it bounced and won the gold with style. And beyond this reaction in Korea, I will keep the image of the committed sportsman. Martin says what he thinks, fighting, especially in the fight against doping. Having a champion like that is good.

Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2020-03-13

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