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SC Toulon acquired by Mourad Boudjellal: behind the scenes of an ambitious project


The former president of the Toulonnais Rugby Club and Claude Joye, current owner of the Toulon Sporting Club, laid the foundations for a future collaboration. An audit of the situation in the Toulon club could bring a positive outcome before the end of the month. 

From our correspondent in Toulon

After resuscitating the Phoenix Rugby Club Toulonnais, triple European champion (2013,2014 and 2015) and French champion (2014), Mourad Boudjellal has launched a new major challenge in recent weeks: the revival of the Toulon Sporting Club . The former comic tycoon dreams of bringing La Rascasse back into professional football, who left since 1998.

For the "last project of [s] a lifetime" , according to his words in the Figaro, Boudjellal was first faced with a categorical refusal by the owner, Claude Joye. The initial interviews were heated, prompting MB to suggest that he could embark on other projects. He then prepared a program to run for the presidency of the National Rugby League. And, according to our information, the acquisition of the Athlético de Marseille (N3) is very advanced. "I only have to sign in another project if I wish ," assures Mourad Boudjellal without confirming the identity of the club. The project is more global with a stadium and real estate. ”

@mouradrct there is the call of the foot that you expect from the supporters

- Nikola Lemaire (@nikola_lemaire) May 11, 2020

But the club in his hometown remains his priority. "Clearly, I'm waiting for Toulon," he repeats. On the phone, he talks about his ambitions with the flame in his voice: " It's inexplicable, but I have a debt to the city. I have to prove here since my childhood. ”  Cold during the first weeks of negotiations with Claude Joye, the confinement linked to Covid-19 seems to have cleared up the clashes. 

Boudjellal would arrive with a pulse of investors and Pascal Dupraz

The two men met with their lawyers last Friday in Toulon for an appointment deemed "crucial" in the mysteries of the club. Contrary to the last discussions, the interview was very positive. Mourad Boudjellal recalled his great desire to acquire the club. In this process, Joye changed her initial positions. He agreed that the accounts of the club undergo an audit, an act prior to a change of owner. This audit should last between four and five days. According to our information, the result could fall around May 25. 

READ ALSO:  Mourad Boudjellal at Le Figaro: "I'm on two great projects in football"

Since the beginnings of an interest of Mourad Boudjellal for the resumption of the SCT, the chartered accountant of formation knew hard knocks. Embarking on a nightmarish season (a single victory over the entire season), the vox populi of the Bon-Rencontre stadium spoke in favor of a change in governance. A banner "SOS Mourad" , deployed at home on January 10 against the Red Star (1-0 defeat), marked the spirits. Players in the membership, which should undergo major changes in the event of a takeover, and private partners are enthusiastic about "the idea of ​​experiencing a new era", according to someone close to the club. In a series of publications on Twitter, Hubert Falco, mayor of Toulon since 2001 and re-elected in the first round last March, hoped that an agreement would be found so that Mourad Boudjellal  "brings his knowledge, his will, which is great, and his competences".

READ ALSO:  Mayor Hubert Falco advocates a rapprochement between Boudjellal and the Sporting Club Toulon

Last disappointment dated Monday, the executive committee of the FFF validated the relegations of the last four of the National. Red lantern, the Rade club will evolve into National 2 next year. All these adventures propelled Claude Joye into a position of weakness. Mourad Boudjellal knows this and is delighted. He intends to revolutionize the Azur et Or. "If I manage to take over the Sporting Club Toulon, I am not coming to do the same thing as currently."   In his suitcase, he intends to bring a group of investors to build a budget close to 4 million euros next season. Proof of the progress of the discussions, a visit to the SCT facilities (stadium, premises, grounds) was scheduled this week in the company of its group of investors. The financial windfall would be consistent with one condition: the money injected must not be used to cover a liability. Claude Joye is confident about his financial management. The audit will provide the final answer.

- Mourad Boudjellal (@mouradrct) May 16, 2020

On the sporting side, Pascal Dupraz, current coach of SM Caen (L2), has already given his agreement in principle to take over from Victor Zvunka, on the start after having failed in his quest for maintenance. The former SCT player (1987-1989) kept strong ties with the region spending his holidays regularly in La Cadière-d'Azur, a village about twenty kilometers west of Toulon. Without confirming, Mourad Boudjellal realizes the robot portrait of his dream trainer:  "He has to stand up to me, that he is committed over time, that he is credible to tell us a great story."

In concert, the possible new management team is already working to shape the contours of the next workforce. They have planned about fifteen departures and wish to rely on three pillars, having experienced high level experience, with the aim of quickly reaching the next level.

Mourad Boudjellal wants to build a solid defense. To shed light on the project, he does not refrain from a bowhead like the arrival of Tana Umaga at the RCT, then in ProD2, in 2006. The name of Bafétimbi Gomis, born in La Seyne- sur-Mer and very attached to the region, comes back frequently. "I am in contact with agents," confirms only Mourad Boudjelllal. And some players could be almost promised for Sporting. ” Behind the scenes, he admits having followed the club's season and already knows the players to rely on. Despite its ambitions, "MB" does not rule out  "a transitional season" if the negotiations continue over time. And continues: “ A transition season where the goal will be to go up  (laughs). We could be the beast to slaughter because we would shine. ”

Boudjellal doesn't want to share power

Friday's meeting was therefore constructive, but points of divergence persist. In private, and at the meeting, Boudjellal made it clear that he wanted to have a free hand. The future governance of the club is the main sticking point. When the club was bought in 2011, Claude Joye had made this project a family affair. Christine, his wife, and Lawrence, his son, occupy strategic and senior positions within the club. In reality, they could be the equal or even superiors of the former president of the RCT.

An almost unthinkable solution: “I teamed up twice when I was in publishing with Gallimard and Marvel. As far as sport is concerned, this has always been very delicate (Stéphane Lelièvre in 2006 and Bernard Lemaître in 2019). With my age, I begin to understand that I am a loner (laughing) . ” Before agreeing: "I understand the family attachment that Claude can have with the club since I had the same at the RCT. But sometimes you have to know how to pass the hand as I knew how to do it. ” 

Right now, Mourad Boudjellal wants power. A "non-negotiable thing" says his words. To reach a consensus, he is ready to reserve shares for Claude Joye, who would have management control over the accounts. "If I fail , warn" MB ", it will be my image and my failure. Not Claude Joye's. " Despite the differences, both men are struggling to communicate after cutting their reports. The result of the financial audit could play an important role in deciding the new governance. 

"It can be done in 48 hoursWith this audit, we both made a very important step ”

Mourad Boudjellal

Another point of attachment, the future of Jean-Marc Ferreri. The current general manager sees his Var idyll troubled. Claude Joye would like to keep his trusted man since his takeover in the Var organization chart. Mourad Boudjellal is not really inclined to work with the former French international, European champion in 1984. His opinion is shared by Pascal Dupraz. His last missed mercatos and the choice to name Victor Zvunka coach of the first team do not argue in his favor. According to a source among the club, Jean-Marc Ferreri already seems resigned and knows that he will only be a transitional man in the event of a takeover.

A recovery on which mainly depends the result of the audit around May 25. If it is positive, it will only remain to finalize the case at the end of the month: "It can be done in 48 hours ," adds Mourad Boudjellal. With this audit, we both made a very important step. ”

Read also

  • Rude assists between Boudjellal and his successor at the head of RC Toulon

Source: lefigaro

All sports articles on 2020-05-18

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