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Kun Agüero retires: "The first thing is my health"


Forced to give up football due to a heart problem, the Barcelona forward says goodbye through tears and supported by all his people

FC Barcelona player Kun Agüero (Buenos Aires, Argentina; 33 years old) leaves football. He does it for health reasons. His heart played a trick on him on October 30, in the duel against Alavés. He was short of breath, asked for a change, and medical tests showed he had an arrhythmia. Later, the catheter explained that it was not benign and that he would no longer be able to play elite football again, even if the player resisted at the beginning to see if the results were different over time. It was not so. “It is a very hard time, but I am still happy for the decision I made, because the first thing is my health. The doctors have done their best and advised me to stop playing, "he explained.

Wrapped up by his family, by his teammates and the Barcelona board, also by his former coach Pep Guardiola - he attended with the Manchester City sports director, Txiki Begiristain -, even in the presence of representatives of LaLiga and Atlético, and even the Argentine consul in Barcelona, ​​Kun said goodbye to the ball. “Bufff”, he started with the sockets full of tears, unable to articulate a word and encouraged by the applause of the people gathered at the Camp Nou. "It's coming, huh?" And he was able to do so: "This conference is to communicate that I have decided to stop playing professional football," he started. He added: “I made the decision 10 days ago, although I did my best to see if there was any hope. There was not much ”.

With a choppy speech, blowing his nose and wiping his tears, Kun continued: “I am very proud of my career, happy. I always dreamed of playing soccer since I was five years old when I touched a ball. My dream was to play in the First Division, I never thought of reaching Europe. So thanks to Independiente (2003-2006), also to Atlético (2006-2011) because they bet on me when I was only 18 years old, to the people of City (2011-2021), who know what I feel, where I left the best. And also to Barça (2021), which is incredible, one of the best teams in the world. And clearly to the Argentine team, which is what I love the most ”. Laporta picked up the witness before exiting the forum because it was Kun's act. “We have been left with the desire at Barça, but you have made the right decision. You have been a world-renowned player, a born scorer.But you also leave your friendships, your sympathy ... I wish you had arrived earlier, like when you played for Atlético because you were the envy of all ”, the Barça president resolved.


Kun Agüero: "My father always says that I play badly, even today"

Asked about how it was the process of assimilating the goodbye, he added: “The first two weeks were hard, but when I had the first physical test in the clinic, the doctors called me to tell me that there was a very great possibility that I should not continue. . I started to mentalize, but it was not easy. Then they told me it was final and even though it took a few days to process it, I'm fine. But it was difficult ”. And he added: "Luckily it was now and not before, as a boy." More than anything because he has a career embroidered in gold. “I am happy for the titles that I have won. I did all the best for myself and for the club I played ”, he explained. In its showcases it has a Europa League and a Super Cup with Atlético (2010); five Premier laurels, three Community Shields, six English League Cups and one FA Cup with City; in addition to two U-20 World Cups,the Olympic Games (2008) and the Copa América in 2021 with Argentina. He also wanted to highlight the most important moments in his career, as he added 426 goals - in addition to 111 assists - in 788 games. "I am left with a very nice goal that I made in Independiente against Racing when I was 17 years old, but it is not that I have anything against them, eh?", He listed with his mischievous smile, aware that he is the enemy; “Also with the Europa League that we won with Atlético, in addition to the goal that served to win the first Premier with City (2012). And also the goal against Madrid. That to be my last goal, it's not bad, right? ”."I am left with a very nice goal that I made in Independiente against Racing when I was 17 years old, but it is not that I have anything against them, eh?", He listed with his mischievous smile, aware that he is the enemy; “Also with the Europa League that we won with Atlético, in addition to the goal that served to win the first Premier with City (2012). And also the goal against Madrid. That to be my last goal, it's not bad, right? ”."I am left with a very nice goal that I made in Independiente against Racing when I was 17 years old, but it is not that I have anything against them, eh?", He listed with his mischievous smile, aware that he is the enemy; “Also with the Europa League that we won with Atlético, in addition to the goal that served to win the first Premier with City (2012). And also the goal against Madrid. That to be my last goal, it's not bad, right? ”.

Kun wants to think only of him, away from the ball, but sooner or later he will hug him again even if it is not with his boots on.

“I will continue to be linked to football, but now I want to enjoy life a little more, the moments that footballers cannot.

Many people think that it is easy and I can assure you that it is not.

Every day to go to train, travel, play ... You should have enormous respect for professional players ”.

And, already more relieved to overcome the drink of saying goodbye to the ball in front of the world, he closed: “It is good that they have detected the problem now and not before.

It is positive because today I am here telling it.

It might not have been so.

I leave with my head held high and very happy.

I don't know what will await me in the next life, but I have many people who love me and wish me the best ”.

Return of doctor Ricard Pruna

Sharjah of the Arab Emirates finally accepted Barcelona's request to release doctor Ricard Pruna to return to the Barça club as head of medical services. "In the framework of the relationship that unites the two clubs, Sharjah agrees to the request that the doctor return to his old club, provided that the identity of the new team doctor is announced," explained the Dubai entity in its official Twitter account. It was Xavi's express request. “I want to surround myself with people I trust, loyal and faithful people, and having Ricard is essential for me. He is the best doctor that Barça has had since I have been. Pruna never had to have left the club, for me he is number one ”, the coach agreed a couple of weeks ago.who also relieved Albert Roca as the person in charge of physical preparation so that Iván Torres, with whom he was already working in Qatar, would fill the position. In addition, Edu Pons returned, whom he knew from Luis Enrique's stage in command of the team and was replaced by Juanjo Brau, who was the head of the physiotherapists.

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Source: elparis

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