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Radio Bella Bella: Izzy Sheretzky's media show actually hit Maccabi Haifa | Israel today


The owner attacked Slobodan Drapic in a show of disloyalty, causing the locker room to unite around their coach • All the many rights that Shretzky has in Israeli football do not allow him to act in such lawlessness

Izzy Shretzky presents: Radio Bella Bella, A Noon of Disaster.

Shretzky was interviewed on the sports channel's radio show, and even in his terms and reputation for performing surgery without anesthesia on his coaches - it was violent and aggressive, almost out of nowhere.

Six hours before an important home game against Maccabi Haifa, the owner of Kiryat Shmona decided to repay Slobodan Drapic.

Instead of talking to his sons, to the CEO, to the woman, whom Retzky has decided to make public harkiri in the soft underbelly of his own team, in his coach. That she survives the season with high probability.

Shretzky does not like not being shared, not being called to consult, not being left with matters.

The scalps of quite a few coaches are already gathering on his belt.

On Bnei Tabak, Michelle Dayan, Gili Landau, Kobi Refuah, Moti Ionir, even Rabash who brought a championship there - there is already an obsolescence. The coaches will soon run out. I understood that Dror Kashtan is available.

Shretzky, Photo: Maor Elkelsi

In my eyes, Shretzky is a huge icon in Israeli football.

He set up a zero-pulse football club on the Lebanese border, and his success there for 20 years is biblical. .

Quite a few media people called on Drapich not to report for the game against Haifa, to resign, not to allow Shretzky to insult or ride him in such an ugly Zobor.

I thought Drapic should not go anywhere.

A person who grew up in Yugoslavia in the 1970s, can not even get excited about losing the landlord of the landlord.

This Serb is a tough, cool guy, and he should not go anywhere.

There are ten games left until the end of the season, and if Izzy does not regret and apologize to him - he will leave after receiving the last pay slip.

I heard journalists who knew how to tell that the locker room in Kiryat Shmona could not look Slobo in the eye after such a Zobor.

On the contrary!

The locker room coalesced around his coach.

The players know who is against whom in this system.

They know how to separate the treat from the main.

We saw how they came up against the best team in the country.

Itamar Shabiru dismantled the Haifa defense and led to 0: 1.

It was also not far from the other, before Noble equalized at a great goal as usual.

I wonder what went through Izzy's mind in those minutes, but unlike him, I was proud of his team.

If I owned Slobo, I would be happy to have his ATM.

Shabiru Celebrates, Photo: Enzo Gush

It is quite clear that this radio event preyed on the cards, because contrary to expectations, it mainly hurt Haifa's readiness for the game, and Barak Bachar, who grew up to be who he is on this grass, did not know how to stop this twist in time.

Haifa appeared loose, and contrary to all logic leaves the conflict at the summit close.


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Source: israelhayom

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