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Winter Olympics 2022: Lucile Lefevre dresses up as a tiger for the last competition of her career


Retired after the Beijing Olympics, the French snowboarder, injured in the knee, wore an original combination, in reference

Roar with pleasure for the last outing of his career.

It was certainly the envy of the Frenchwoman Lucile Lefèvre who, unable to defend her chances due to a knee injury, found an alternative to finish in style: disguise herself as a tiger!

It was in this unprecedented outfit that she concluded her third run, this Monday, during the Big Air snowboard qualifications.

“This is my very last competition.

I injured my knee in the slopestyle, so I couldn't do tricks today (...) It's more fun "to compete in disguise, explained the snowboarder who had announced the end of her career sports after the Beijing Olympics, a few days ago after his elimination in slopestyle.

🏂🐅 Injured in the knee and as she retires at the end of the Olympics, the Frenchwoman Lucile Lefevre is having fun on the Big Air qualifications!

The tiger disguise is validated!


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— francetvsport (@francetvsport) February 14, 2022

The 26-year-old athlete, from the Hautes-Alpes, owes this remarkable outing to the Swiss Nicolas Huber, "a crazy man" owner of the disguise and silver medalist in slopestyle at the 2017 World Snowboard Championships, who agreed to to lend.

The costume is in reference to the Chinese New Year, placed under the sign of the tiger this year.

“Everyone wants a photo with me”, rejoiced the Frenchwoman who assured “feel good” after this coup de brilliance which should go around the planet.

When she was three, doctors told her she couldn't walk.

“The world should be fun because there are a lot of problems.

If everyone was at peace, the world would be a better place (…) that's the message I want to share, "she said after her last run and her 29th place at the qualifications.

Read alsoWinter Olympics 2022: the table of medals by country

She therefore closes a rich career with two podiums in the World Cup, when she could have never been able to play sports when she was younger.

"When I was three, I had a major hip disease and the doctors told me I couldn't walk," she explained.

“But then I went snowboarding and made progress.

And I'm here (at the Winter Olympics) for the second time.

“The rest now?

Spending time with his father at his sailing school.

And to conclude: “I may train baby snowboarders.


Source: leparis

All sports articles on 2022-02-14

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