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“He is condescending to his opponents”: Éric Carrière tackles Kylian Mbappé in the throat


The ex-midfielder, who will cease his media duties at the end of the season, has more than scratched the Parisian striker.

Éric Carrière let go.

After having decided to stop his functions in the media environment at the end of the season, in order to better be able to concentrate on his entrepreneurial activities in the world of wine, the former playmaker confided in the columns of

L 'Team

this Friday.

An interview in which the current

Canal +

consultant , a bit tired, mentioned what saddens him, frustrates him and irritates him in the football ecosystem, namely, in large part, the individualistic behavior of the different actors.

To illustrate his thoughts, the man who wore the France team jersey ten times gave several examples but focused particularly on that of Kylian Mbappé: “

I also don't want to see Mbappé turn to the public because Danilo does not put the ball to him.

This is not good behavior.

All the bad attitudes that are allowed to pass, which are authorized, come to pollute this team spirit.

Individualism is super contagious

, ”he explained to the sports daily.

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Read alsoMercato: Barça embarks on the race to sign Mbappé

He is better, faster and sometimes the others foul him out of clumsiness.

And I am told that he has been irreproachable since the start of the season.

Proof that no.

Eric Career

The former player of FC Nantes, Olympique Lyonnais and FC Lens continued by attacking Guy Roux, his ex-coach, as well as again at "KM7": "

We are no longer in sports co!

It's like Guy Roux, whom I met in Lens and who put straps on the logo of the club's equipment supplier because he wanted his own personal contract.

individualistic behavior.

To say that the money earned by the Fed will not be donated to amateur football... It's much more complicated than that.

Professional money that goes to the amateur world, there is some, it could be better but there, it's a bit "I'm on top and the Fed, it's not okay

", "he said. added.

Before tackling once again the center forward of Paris Saint-Germain:

It is also one of the elements that lead me to stop, it is that we cannot say what we think of the players.

I'm sorry but Mbappé is condescending to his opponents.

He is better, faster and sometimes the others foul him out of clumsiness.

And I am told that he has been irreproachable since the start of the season.

Proof that no.



Kylian Mbappé, second top scorer in the history of Paris Saint-Germain

Kimpembe is very strong but he will put boxes and as soon as he takes a little hit, it's the end of the world!

Eric Career

Read alsoTeam of France: Mbappé uncertain to face Ivory Coast, Kanté package

Éric Carrière also got angry with the simulations, or at least the exaggerations during the contacts which, for him, pollute the game. And this time, it's another Parisian player who takes it for his rank: "

I know what what it is to take a ball in the face, I often get this photo (of him, his face crushed by the ball).

It hurts but hey, it's okay.

There, you have guys, they are 1.90 m tall, they walk like that (he imitates a player sticking out his chest) and you barely touch them, they stay on the ground.

Kimpembe is very strong but he will put boxes and as soon as he takes a little hit, it's the end of the world!

» Consulting for


since 2010, the native of Foix will now be able to distance himself from the football world to focus all his energy on his business.

And leave room for new personalities.


The pleasure is less there, in any case, and the spite is real

," he confides.

Source: lefigaro

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