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A slap in the face at the Oscar ceremony: Maccabi Haifa ruined the premiere of the films - Walla! sport


The charm of the innocence of Maccabi Tel Aviv's 18-year-old talent was unusual in the Israeli football landscape, and the naturalness in which he was drawn by Krasteich only proved how much he does not belong here.

Slap at the Oscar ceremony: Maccabi Haifa ruined the premiere of the films

The charm of the innocence of Maccabi Tel Aviv's 18-year-old talent was unusual in the Israeli football landscape, and the naturalness with which Krestich was pulled out only proved how out of place he was, but in the end the big star in the Premier League woke us all from the championship battle dream. The imaginary.

Elad Lifshitz concludes

Elad Lifshitz


Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 9:30 p.m.

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Summary: Maccabi Tel Aviv - Maccabi Haifa 1: 1 (Sport 1)

Oscar Gluch looks like a number of kids have just come out.

With the pony combed to the side, with the baby face, with the dream coming true in front of the eyes, it was hard to believe yesterday at times that all this is true: Gluch looks like a character created for us by Galila Ron Feder, maybe Avner Carmeli, or if you will, Shraga Gafni - Oscar, kick.

How much magic there is in that.

In a world where chopped balls live in the middle of a bar hangout, there are also sides of grace and beauty and a youthful spirit.

Gluch gave us a glimpse into the beauty of life yesterday.

And best of all - he does not even know he did it for us.

At his age he does not have the perspective to understand that he represents vitality and animals, no, what does Gluch know?

He understands that he gave a big goal and that the fans are in love, but what about him and the philosophies of joy of life?

How beautiful is innocence.

At 18 and ten days old Gluch was the best on the pitch yesterday.

The days before the game raised questions about whether it was appropriate, whether it was not a gimmick at all.

But now the only question that arises following the game is how long has Gluch been already due and worthy?

Maybe at the age of 16 he could have come on the field?

Maybe 17?

How long has he been hiding?

And how many more hides are hidden in Israeli football?

More on Walla!

Gluch recommends: "Young people want to devour the grass. Coaches should let them"

To the full article

How many more like him are hiding?

Oscar Gluch (Photo: Ariel Shalom)

The one who probably did not feel any of this was Mladen Krestic.

How naturally he made such a move with Gluch.

The Serbian coach may be tactically wrong here and there throughout the season, he may also be too angry at the interviewers, but he always presents an original approach: he has the courage to think differently.

In Israel, everyone copies from everyone else.

Krasteich does not copy from anyone.

He has already made some decisions this season that give real content and meaning to the choice to go for a foreign coach who does not give an account of what they will say: he chose to play regularly with two strikers, sent Enrique Sborrit to the brake position and yesterday let go of the stage.

Krasteich more than hints at us to get out of Israeliness, out of provincialism.

The feeling this morning is that Serbia probably has a 28-year-old veterans league.

More on Walla!

  • Maccabi Tel Aviv players: "This draw is harder than the 3: 2 loss in Haifa"

  • Gluch recommends: "Young people want to devour the grass. Coaches should let them"

  • Krasteich: "Did you expect Maccabi Haifa not to get into situations? We are not Real Madrid"

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It is more implied for us to leave Israeliness.

Mladen Krestic (Photo: Ariel Shalom)

But Maccabi Haifa is also European.

It seems that almost all of its staff know how to play on both sides of the field.

Everyone does pressure and defense, everyone can score.

The brakes sometimes occupy the stationary, the ties dangerous as pioneers.

A great cherry charon on the Premier League.

This morning's commentaries will address Daniel Peretz's stance.

We will be told that if he had taken a step to the right, or left, or two to the right, the gate would not have been cracked.

What exactly do these interpretations hold?

That it was hanging in the burst?

Even if he was wrong, he did not have too much of a chance in the face of a situation where for a talent such as Sherry he is a three-quarter penalty.

If he had stood here, he would have kicked him there.

Championship too easy.

Charon Sheri (Photo: Ariel Shalom)

This Haifa championship is achieved too easily.

It's true that there is a semblance of competition, but come on, who are we working for?

Yesterday's game was meaningless in terms of the championship fight, even though the promos said otherwise.

Oh well, that's the role of promos - what will they say, the championship is closed, let's watch the broadcast?

But the championship has really locked up a long time ago, mainly because it's hard to lose points in this league.

Although Haifa has stumbled in recent months against Hapoel Jerusalem and Nof Hagalil, in principle, whenever points are required - Haifa achieves them.

The playoff system and the structure of the Premier League need to be rethought, because there is no tension and competition in it.

In fact, a sharp and real tension of fateful top struggles has not existed for years in Israeli football.

It's good to have Benny Reina and Kfar Qassem.

  • sport

  • Israeli soccer

  • Super League


  • Maccabi Tel Aviv in football

  • Maccabi Haifa

  • Oscar Gluch

  • Mladen Krestajic

Source: walla

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