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Crocodile tears: The hypocrisy of the team owners regarding Betar Jerusalem - Walla! Sport


Based on the precedents of Maccabi Netanya and Hapoel Tel Aviv, you will not see a big change in Israeli football. The hands of association and control are bound, and if you are looking for culprits, they are not the address

Crocodile tears: The hypocrisy of the group owners regarding Betar Jerusalem

Betar Jerusalem fans have moved the arrows to Oren Hasson and Sigalit Sage, but based on the precedents of Maccabi Netanya and Hapoel Tel Aviv, you will not see a big change in Israeli football. In the Premier League

Moshe Boker


Friday, 17 June 2022, 12:10

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Betar fan burns Maccabi Tel Aviv scarf (Section 27A of the Copyright Law)

Betar Jerusalem fans have found a new address to throw their criticism arrows at their team's dismal condition. After they ruined Arkady Gaydamak's life, just because he brought two Muslim players to Betar, after they killed Eli Tabib and expelled him from the club, just because Who did not show too much generosity to open the deep pockets he has, and after launching a fight against Moshe Hogg, a fight that included a boycott of subscribers and attending the team's home games (long before Hogg's arrest), these specific fans, those responsible for the house destruction, continue to search The goat to hell on duty.

After realizing that Celebrating was not really counting them, they decided to go for the head of the association's chairman Oren Hasson and the chairman of the budget control authority, CPA Sigalit Sage. For those fans, Hasson and Sage are the enemies of the people.

Make no mistake, not everything is going well in the Football Association, not even in the budget control, but Hasson and Sage are not responsible for the dismal situation of Betar Jerusalem. Big clubs (Hapoel Tel Aviv and Maccabi Netanya) fell only a few years ago, a media earthquake occurred here Launched everywhere, the two big clubs crashed and went through a terrible trauma, and the world did not stop reigning. Ideas were raised, discussions were held, team owners argued, shouted, threatened, and in the end, nothing changed. Avivi and Maccabi Netanya, began broadcasting in open studios, smeared huge headlines in the gates of sports sections, and the leading websites changed headlines almost at any moment, the team owners held emergency meetings and ensured that this could not continue and far-reaching changes must be made in budget control. R. Budgetary Control) draw conclusions and resign, and Orlitzky went home after 9 years.

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"The control's collaboration with Hogg and Younger has brought Betar into this situation"

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Do not forget what they did to Gaydamak when he brought the Chechens (Photo: Dror Pickelny)

Sage, who owns a leading accounting firm, took responsibility for the audit.

and what happened?

is nothing.

Almost nothing.

The team owners returned to the burning issues of their team and quickly forgot about the fire that ignited Israeli football and threatened to collapse it (according to the statements of some of the team owners and commentators).

And now?

Everyone suddenly enlists, equipped with artillery.

The problem that none of them is aimed at the purpose of the problem.

And the problem starts with understanding what is being read.

It must be noted that through more vigilant and wise conduct on the part of the association and the control, it was possible to minimize damage in the crash of Hapoel Tel Aviv and Maccabi Netanya.

The case of Moshe Hogg and Betar Jerusalem is not the case where the association and the control have a part in the difficult reality in which the club finds itself. Recently, a new slogan emerged in the campaign against the association: Give the fans Betar Jerusalem.

In one post, Celebrate, the media wizard, sold an illusion to fans and the media.

Too bad a celebrant did not attach to the post a link to Nissim Seroussi's song 'Illusions'.

At least that's how they would understand the joke.

At the height of the catastrophe that followed the collapse of Hapoel Tel Aviv under Amir Kabiri, Ofer Eini, then chairman of the association, said, "If one team in the Premier League falls in a decade, it is not terrible.

It's worth the risk, it's a good average. "Eini did not really believe it, he just said it because his hands were tied. Hands to his predecessor in office.

Not free from mistakes, but not guilty.

Sturdy (Photo: Udi Citation)

After the collapse of Maccabi Netanya, Orlitzky and his friends hurried to prepare a plan to prevent the next crash.

Orlitzky met with Eini who was enthusiastic about large parts of the program, Eini began to grope with the group owners in order to bring the control plan for approval by the association's management.

But Eini failed to convince the team owners and the plan to strengthen the security of the Premier League clubs remained in a drawer.

Eini did not like the decision and was forced to say: "Israeli football will have to live with the possibility that one club will fall every decade. In relation to the tycoons who fall, we are in a very good position."

Avi Luzon, Eini's predecessor in office, and who was for decades a senior in the banking system, said at the time that "budgetary control is like a bank. Control manages risks. Risks are calculated. There is never 100 percent success."

Luzon, too, like my eyes, knew exactly what they were talking about.

So what was Orlitsky and Eini's plan to prevent teams from crashing in the Premier League?

Very simple: tighten the control rules very much, in other words - demand from the group owners guarantees of live money in control of all budget items, except for revenues from television and toto.

The plan was to go for sure.

The owners of the groups will deposit bank guarantees of tens of millions of shekels each season.

Not their checks, not checks from sponsors, from associates, from neighborhood super owners.

Only liquid money.

Orlitzky told my eyes at the meeting that only in this way can it be ensured that no group will crash financially.

Yaakov Shachar, Mitz Goldhaar, Alona Barkat, and others, threatened that if the plan was approved by the association's management, they would leave Israeli football at that moment.

My eyes panicked, and Orlitzky hurried to hide the plan and returned to work with the scary old disk.

There was a plan, the owner texted.

Orlitzky (Photo: Berni Ardov)

Goldhaar, Shahar and Barkat had good reason to threaten.

If the plan had passed, they would have had to lay tens of millions of shekels in the bank every season.

With huge budgets of NIS 80-120 million per season, the owners of the big teams had to part with at least NIS 50-60 million.

These tycoons said that their signature on a check or a guarantee they sign at the checkpoint is worth just as much as cash.

And they are right.

Does anyone really need live money from Goldhaar, Shahar, Barkat, Eli Tabib, and Izzy Shirtzky for example?

of course not.

Each of them can transfer hundreds of millions of shekels at any given moment with the click of a button to wherever they want.

Each of them owns businesses worth billions, each with liquid money in the bank of hundreds of millions of shekels.

Yes, hundreds of millions of shekels.

In cash.

The threat of the rich and powerful team owners did its thing, but the fear of another club collapse in the Premier League hovered in the air, and yet some positive moves were made to reduce the chance of another club collapsing, moves that made the rich team owners support the plan.


Because she was good to them.

The association and the control did not fear Goldhaar, Shahar, Barkat, Shirtzky, nor the celebrant who acquired Betar Jerusalem at the time, they prepared a new policy, one that helps the rich and ensures security from those who are not considered tycoons.

In real time he was low risk.

Celebrating (Photo: Danny Maron)

In April 2018, the Football Association hired the services of the consulting and accounting firm Deloitte, one of the largest accounting firms in the world.

The aim was to prepare a report for the control with recommendations for improvement, strengthening the control mechanisms and protection against club collapse. And that is not all.

A type of BDI in favor of budgetary control.

Deloitte's experts put all the data on the financial capabilities and financial strength of the club owners and also compiled a table by risk levels.

Celebrates was ranked at the top of all reports. Both those of his financial abilities and those of his financial strength. Celebrated was in the forefront of team owners in the Premier League. Economically excellent,

For all those who riot and threaten to make life bitter for strength and restraint, it is worth understanding that the chairman of the budget control, does not set the rules of control, has no voting right in the management of the association, and the chairman of the association is unable to lead reforms and moves without the support of group owners. Or their representatives) in the management of the association, and therefore, the criticism of the limitations of budgetary control, should be sent to the owners of the groups.

They are the address for the approval of the new bylaws, they are the address for the reliefs that the owners of the wealthy groups have received.

Ms. Sage Overall implements the policies of the association's management.

And Oren Hasson, like Ofer Eini, is unable to bend the owners of the groups who once threatened to get up and go home if they were harmed by the tightening of control rules.

An unforeseen boycott?

Betar fans (Photo: Maor Elkelsi)

At one of the meetings around fears of another club collapsing in the Premier League, one attendee said: "The banks gave billions of credit to the tycoons and they fell. A business in the economy, you have to know how to manage risks, and risks are a part of life. "

Another representative at the hearing said: "The regulator is reducing barriers on the one hand, and you want to tighten the rules, it will make us leave football and also prevent business people from coming to football."

Well, what do you tell them about it?

Everyone was basically forced to align with Eini's statement that one can live in peace if one group in a decade goes into liquidation.

Whenever a team does not pay a salary on time, a shout is raised: "Where is the control?", Whenever a team in the Premier League finds itself in financial distress, the lynching against the control begins.

So it's time to dump her and move on.

Before each season, the Budget Control Authority ranks the risk level of the group owners - from low to high (celebrating was also rated last season at the lowest risk level).

A group with a low risk rating, for example Maccabi Tel Aviv, Maccabi Haifa, Hapoel Beer Sheva and Betar Jerusalem, enjoy an exemption according to the regulations in the submission of some of the periodic reports.

In addition, a low-risk group is not required to present a financial guarantee for agreements over NIS 1.5 million.

The control regulations stipulate that the reference to income from tickets and subscriptions will be in accordance with previous years.

The control has the authority to approve a 20 percent higher income for the team compared to last season.

In the case of Betar Jerusalem, the fact that the fans started boycotting subscriptions and boycotting the purchase of tickets for home games, damaged the club millions of shekels, an injury that could not be expected, and could not be prevented.

Regarding sponsors and sponsors - the control approves 100 percent of these agreements , In a case where commercial companies ceased sponsorship with Betar after the arrest of a celebrant, the control has no tools to deal with the created reality.

According to the regulations, location grants are also considered safe in control, and are assessed on the basis of performance in previous years.

They did not agree to the reform, rightly so for them.

Shahar and Barkat (Photo: Danny Maron)

Another interesting and significant statistic relates to the ability of group owners to increase the deficit.

As part of the desire to get team owners to invest in the club's infrastructure, for example improving the training facility, team owners investing in infrastructure may increase the group's deficit and cover it within 4 years.

Moshe Hogg is investing millions of shekels in renovating and upgrading the Beit Vagan training complex, so the increase in the deficit was in accordance with the regulations.

Until his arrest, Moshe Hogg was considered the owner of the lowest-risk group.

He received benefits just like the rest of the owners who were rated at a low risk level.

Shahar, Goldhaar, Barkat and others.

If God forbid Goldhar, Shahar, or any other tycoon were arrested, the situation of the same owner's group would be the same as that of Betar Jerusalem. Celebrating did not lose his fortune. However, in such a reality, the control and the association have no way of dealing with such an event, except to adopt the full guarantee plan as previously proposed by Orlitzky


Betar's financial problems this season stemmed from the team's significant damage to revenue as a result of the boycott of subscription and ticket purchases, the departure of sponsors, and the team's poor ability this season.

The association and the control were wrong about Betar this season. They were wrong in their media conduct. Hasson spent days and nights to save Betar Jerusalem from real disintegration.

Thanks to the association and the control, the deal to sell Betar to the imaginary discourse was withheld from the Emirates.

What pressure did they put on the association and the control to approve the deal that was supposed to really smash Betar. To save Betar, the association invested a lot of money to hire an investigation company and find out the bluff in the sale deal.

Now celebrating lets them suffer.

Police secure Sigalit Sage's home during a demonstration by Betar fans (Photo: Yachz)

The association decided to give the team a loan of NIS 5 million to allow the club to pay salaries and end the season. The money was already ready, then Hogg transferred NIS 3.5 million, the association gave a loan in a lower amount. The association preferred not to market their assistance to Betar and preferred to absorb criticism.

They claim that their goal was to save Betar and not to receive compliments from those hooligans who are actually responsible for the group's situation. The association is currently preparing a basket of benefits in order to help the club.

The association, like the control, can not take celebrating the ownership of the club as long as the club is not in economic collapse.

Despite the media festival and the frightening messages morning and evening about walking to disbandment, Betar Jerusalem is not there. Not on the road either. According to the regulations, the control can appoint a trustee on its behalf, but this procedure will be carried out only in case there is a real concern for the group's continued activity, a situation where the owner does not provide minimum budget guarantees and guarantees. , So there is no way to prevent celebrating the ownership of Betar.

It is possible to criticize the celebrant for the conduct, for his desire to release and sell players, it is possible and necessary to criticize.

But legally, there is no force that can prevent him from remaining the owner of Betar. In fact, Hogg has ended his career at Betar Jerusalem, and until he officially separates from it, he enjoys abusing those fans who protest against him.

If there is a reason (beyond the desire to save some of the money he has invested) that he still owns the club, it is the desire to let them sweat.

Let them suffer.

And they suffer.

By the way Arkady also let them suffer and sweat, also Tabib, and now celebrates.

All three apply the statements: eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

In French it is called: Se la Vie.

this is life.

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Source: walla

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