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TSV 1860: Michael Köllner on his ambitious goals, pressure from the President and civil courage


TSV 1860: Michael Köllner on his ambitious goals, pressure from the President and civil courage Created: 07/22/2022, 16:13 By: Uli Kellner Michael Köllner looks forward to the start of the season. © Wagner Michael Köllner starts the new season with TSV 1860. Before the start, the lion coach also reacted to President Reisinger's criticism. Munich - Michael Köllner, 52, has been the coach of TS

TSV 1860: Michael Köllner on his ambitious goals, pressure from the President and civil courage

Created: 07/22/2022, 16:13

By: Uli Kellner

Michael Köllner looks forward to the start of the season.

© Wagner

Michael Köllner starts the new season with TSV 1860.

Before the start, the lion coach also reacted to President Reisinger's criticism.


- Michael Köllner, 52, has been the coach of TSV 1860 since November 2019 - a connection that generates sporting and media attention, which can even be read in the current program magazines.

Before the start of the third division on Saturday in Dresden, the coach said with a smile: "I grew up with three channels: ARD, ZDF and BR.

If someone had told me back then that I could be seen on all three channels within two weeks, I wouldn't have believed it.

On Saturday we run on ARD, against Dortmund on ZDF and against Oldenburg on BR.” Our interview with the Löwen coach, who has big plans in the league and in the DFB Cup.

Mr. Köllner, in a survey on the promotion favorites you told liga3-online: Dresden, Ingolstadt and Aue.

Your Dynamo colleague Markus Anfang, on the other hand, did not want to commit himself at all.

Who better to stack deep?


: (laughs) Well, I can understand Markus Anfang – because he's starting the race with a team that has just been rolled.

Challenging for a relegated team, but the normal course of events.

And as far as we're concerned, I see it like this: those who are relegated have a larger budget - also because of the DFL rescue package, that clubs that are relegated from the 2nd division also get a small financial package.

You have to take all that into account.

TSV 1860: Köllner wants to win the start against Dresden and the cup game against BVB

Let's stay with the survey: 19 out of 20 coaches commit to Dresden, the lions only nine times.

Are you offended as a 1860 coach, are you surprised at your colleagues' ignorance, or are you secretly happy that the maximum is not expected of your team everywhere?

Well, I'm not going to go up to my opponent after a win and say: Look, you didn't have us on your radar!

I notice the survey, but I also notice the bookmakers, where you get the least money if you bet on us.

I'm excited when things get going now, because I only really know my own team.

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After all, the game plan wants the top favorite to receive the, well, secret favourite.

A real cracker to start with.

As a coach, are you as excited or tense as a fan?

Yes of course.

Because of the constellation.

We have nine new players, Dresden felt 20 - and a new coach.

It's certainly the match of the day.


President Robert Reisinger says: Dortmund is the more important game.

His reasoning: A defeat in Dresden can be compensated for in 37 games, a defeat in the DFB Cup against Dortmund cannot.

Do you share this assessment?

I know what he means by that.

That we can move up with three points less.

I see it differently myself: At the end of the day, every point can be missing, we've already experienced that ourselves.

Of course, I would prefer to win both games (grins).

"For me it's important that I can develop something, not just a team.

And I believe that our club is not yet at the end of its development."

Michael Kolner

Incidentally, Reisinger's opinion of you is: Köllner fits in as a type with 1860 and can gladly shape an era like Christian Streich in Freiburg.

Do you see that as an offer to extend your contract?

I can still remember my time in Nuremberg well.

Many votes on the supervisory board had assured me of that.

It was called Arsène Wenger from Nuremberg at the time.

In exactly six days, their opinion changed and the same supervisory board made sure that I was fired from my job.

Because of that, I'm a burned child.

Nevertheless, I appreciate that the club management is satisfied with my work - and also the other side of the shareholder.

After all, a trainer also needs trust, appreciation and support.

I hope that's the case now, at least for the upcoming season.

What comes after that - I'm not breaking my head about it yet.

However, Reisinger also said to you: Speech is silver, silence is golden.

Would you like to say something or would you prefer to remain silent?

Koellner: (silent)

You said recently that you are not a friend of change.

What would have to happen if you did NOT continue your coaching career in Munich?

Basically, I would like to be perceived as a coach who didn't have many crests on his chest.

The way I was raised, the way I want to develop teams, that would not be a credit to me to say: I've been somewhere different every year.

For me it's important that I can develop something, not just a team.

And I believe that our club is not yet finished with its development.

I'll put it this way: As the head coach, I have a crucial seat in the car, I can drive it myself and I'm not at the mercy of a passenger.

For me this is an important factor.

In the end, whether it is here or somewhere else is also a question of the sporting perspective and the appreciation that one experiences.

TSV 1860: Michael Köllner is only available as a complete package with family

In other words, the driver should keep the steering wheel in his hand.

Continuity is also a factor for success.

You can also live that as a head coach.

Look: Marco Hiller is a constant, as are Stefan Lex and Phillipp Steinhart.

Change is always part of it, but not by hook or by crook.

At the end of the day, it's like this: I want to be successful where I get involved.

This also applies to 1860.

Michael Köllner (left) talking to sports journalist Uli Kellner (right).

© Wagner/sampics

What your wife says is also important when you choose a club, right?

Yes absolutely.

One is the perspective, the environment.

Does a club suit me?

The other thing is personal: I will definitely not coach a club where I have to accept a family separation.

No matter where I am: The club gets the complete package.

It is always important that you are there.

It can't be that you take two days off during the week to see your wife.

When I come home, like on Wednesday evening around 9:15 p.m.: I don't want to go to a hotel room, I want to go home where my family is.

Speaking of family: Was it an issue that your stepson Alexander Freitag also plays here in the club, possibly a political issue, keyword nepotism?

No never.

With Alex, it was the case that he played in the second team and showed good performances – also in training for the licensed team.

And now with the professionals, it's rather difficult for him.

The inhibition threshold to put him in the laces is of course lower than with other players (laughs).

"When I have something to say, usually more than three people listen to me.

In the end, it's also about moral courage."

Michael Kolner

You once said that your wife buys all the newspapers every morning and sometimes reads them to you.

Does that annoy you or does this intense interest in your job please you?

Point one: It takes a lot of work off me, filters a lot for me.

Point two: Following the big daily newspapers in Munich is certainly not an educational disadvantage (grins).

In a way, my wife is my reading circle, not only for sporting topics, but also for political and local ones.

Do you sometimes have to listen to something along the lines of: Why did this statement have to be made now?

Of course it happens sometimes.

From a media point of view, I'm not a tactician.

I am who I am - and if things don't suit me - then I don't weigh up beforehand whether the statement is good for my image or not so good.

People with rough edges are becoming fewer everywhere.

Everyone is disturbed by these soft-washed statements in front of the camera.

For me it also has something to do with courage when I express something that doesn't correspond to the mainstream.

Basically, you don't keep your opinions behind the mountain.

Ukraine, arms shipments, Corona.

Because you just have to get out when something stirs you up inside?

It's not quite like that, but if I recognize something wrong, then I see it as my duty to draw attention to it.

Who else is to say?

If nobody says anything, then nothing happens in the end.

I think you have to denounce it sometimes.

That's why I used to want to be a pastor.

Because I thought it was great when the pastor stood in the pulpit and freely expressed his opinion.

It's similar now in my position as a football coach: when I have something to say, more than three people usually listen to me.

In the end, it's also about civil courage.

If something happens on the street or in society and no one is interested in it anymore, then good night.

TSV 1860: Changes are tough, but they are part of it

Back to sport: Your teams always score a lot of goals, play attractive football, but are also happy to fail in the face of their big dream.

How can the club's goals be achieved without giving up the typical Köllner style?

In general, for me, if a team plays football without jerseys, then ideally someone should say: This is a team from Michael Köllner.

That would be the greatest accolade for me, more valuable than any countable success.

And yet: Every football team is also defined by the individual players, every back four is interpreted differently and therefore looks different.

And as far as our current team is concerned: I think we have initiated enough changes to be as successful as possible now.

There were also painful personnel decisions.

Which breakup did you find the hardest?


Because I work intensively with all the players and - as mentioned - am a person who shy away from change.

Every player that leaves is a personal loss for me.

Not just Richard Neudecker, but also a Kevin Goden.

I've had ups and downs with each one.

This creates a bond that holds you together.

Nevertheless, I have to keep an eye on the big picture and make decisions that are best for the club.

Even if it makes my heart bleed.

I really have to force myself to do it;

Breakups really are the worst moments.

"We have big goals, the club is big - and if we limit ourselves, then the club will never shine again in its old size."

Michael Kolner

Is that why you keep in touch with all the players you've coached?

Not to all but 1000 chats loose in my WhatsApp storage.

Anyone can always ask me for help – and there's always a call on a birthday.

Or currently a small personal video.

After all, your heart was with a player - and that doesn't end when the contract expires or you part ways.

hard break.

There are 112 days until the World Cup break in mid-November, 17 games in the league plus DFB and Soccer Cup.

Reisinger advises that they score in 14 of those games, i.e. lose a maximum of three of those 17 games.

Can you live with that?

November is too far away for me - and my aim is that we don't lose a game.

Joker is not my thing.

What kind of signal would that send to the team?

In the end they lose the first three games because they said: three times is okay... (laughs) When the fans say they dream of ten points from the first four games, I say: why not twelve?

Without that being a declaration of war.

Why should we always limit ourselves in our imaginations?

We have big goals, the club is big - and if we limit ourselves, then the club will never shine again in its former glory.

And what will you do if it really works and the lions return to the second division in May 2023?

Then I'm satisfied.

Then I'm happy for the team.

The interview was conducted by Uli Kellner.

Source: merkur

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