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A foregone conclusion: the Mons Davor saga could not have ended otherwise - voila! sport


Davor wrote a post in a moment of boiling and did not really want to apologize, the audience did not agree to forgive and from this it was clear that it was only a matter of time until he chose to retire from the Israeli national team

Foregone End: The Mons Davor saga could not have ended otherwise

Davor wrote a post in a moment of boiling and did not really want to apologize, the audience did not agree to forgive, the players also began to resent, and from this it was clear that it was only a matter of time before he chose to retire from the Israeli national team.

About the catch, the politicization and the complex "truth".

Ofir Saar


Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 7:00 p.m

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Summary of Israel's 2:2 home match against Iceland (Sport1)

The Mons Davor saga, the controversial post and the return to the Israel national team failed to produce one honest and true moment that could have allowed for peace.

The fans of the team who hated the striker found no reason to go back, to stop booing and support the player.

It has been 11 months since Mons Davor returned to the squad after the forced timeout following the post, but things did not mature for a single moment into unity with the audience.

And the truth - not even with the national team players, who outwardly said what was expected of them, but in the rooms they spoke differently.

Truth be told, Mons Davor never really apologized for the post he wrote, nor should he apologize if he doesn't believe it.

He meant the things he wrote in a moment of boiling, regretted the post following the consequences but didn't really know how to get out of it.

At the end of the day, a post that goes out against IDF soldiers in the State of Israel is crossing a red line that only a real and sincere apology can make people forget.

And Mons was in the trap.

If he really apologized, how would it be received in Arab society?

The reactions were very difficult and I'm not sure he could have dealt with them, he just tried to find solutions while walking on eggs.

Some of the reactions he tried to produce were dictated to him, some of which he is not sure he understood, but at the end of the day it was anything but an apology and that is why the energies in front of that part of the public did not change.

Didn't really apologize.

Davor (Photo: Danny Maron)

No matter how you arrange it, the Israeli team is a team that sees itself as representing the people of Israel.

The affiliation, the flag and of course the identity.

It accepts anyone who accepts it, and feels part of this country, regardless of their religion or nationality.

Accepting and feeling part of the country is a basic condition to play in the national team.

Not the "Hope" song, condemnation of terrorist attacks or anything else that has been floating around recently.

As soon as Mons said what he said and did not really apologize, it was clear that there would be a large portion of people who would not forgive and would not allow him to continue with the team as if nothing had happened.

And the officer just kept going.

The team's games were attended by "fans" who would not normally attend, just to boo him.

There were right-wing organizations that also pushed to this place, took the whole event to the most political places there is and increased the damage.

But apparently no matter who did what, Mons fell into the trap that only a true and sincere apology would have ended the saga for him.

And he didn't really want to.

good to know (in advance)

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  • sport

  • Israeli soccer

  • Israel national teams


  • Mons Davor

  • Israel national football team

Source: walla

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